Manual: Visas

"As of May 2, 2022, all existing restrictions on entry into Switzerland will be lifted and entry into Switzerland will once again be possible under the usual conditions (see information note for persons called up in an official capacity by permanent missions and international organizations)."

The State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) is generally responsible for regulations regarding entry, residence and employment in Switzerland. The FDFA’s limited competency in the specific area of visas is applied by the Swiss Mission’s Visa Competence Centre within the multilateral framework.

As a specialised focal point for International Geneva, as well as an advisory and decision-making structure, the Visa Competence Centre ensures the correct application of Schengen regulations in accordance with Switzerland’s obligations under public international law. Taking into account the political interests of Switzerland as a host state, it manages specific visa applications and facilitates access to “International Geneva” for political figures, holders of a diplomatic, service or special passport, and persons entitled to privileges and immunities.

It works closely with international organisations, relevant permanent missions and the network of Swiss Embassies and Consulates abroad responsible for the issuing of visas.

The activities of the service are based on the following legal instruments:

1.     Public international law:

a. The headquarters agreements concluded with the international organisations, SR 0.192 (fr) 

b. The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, of 1961, SR 0.191.01 (fr)(also applicable by analogy to permanent missions) 

c. The Schengen and Dublin agreements that entered into force in 2008 

2.     Domestic law:

a. The Federal Act on the Privileges, Immunities and Facilities and the Financial Subsidies granted by Switzerland as a Host State, HSA SR 192.12, and its implementing ordinance, the Ordinance to the Federal Act on the Privileges, Immunities and Facilities and the Financial Subsidies granted by Switzerland as a Host State, HSO SR 192.121 

b. The Federal Act on Foreign Nationals and Integration, FNIA SR 142.20 and the Ordinance on Entry and the Granting of Visas (VGO SR 142.204 (fr) )

Information for people travelling to Switzerland within the “International Geneva” context: Schengen visas, entry, exit and travel within the Schengen area

Specialist Contact

Permanent Mission of Switzerland to UNOG
Visa Competence Center
Rue de Varembé 9-11
P.O. Box 194
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. +41 (0)58 482 24 24