Public holidays

The Embassy of Switzerland will be closed on the following official holidays 2025:
01.01.2025 Wednesday New Year
18.04.2025 Friday Good Friday
21.04.2025 Monday Easter Monday
30.04.2025 Wednesday open in the morning Erev of Independence Day
01.05.2025 Thursday Independence Day
29.05.2025 Thursday Ascension of Christ
02.06.2025 Monday  Shavuot
09.06.2025 Monday Pentecost
22.09.2025 Monday open in the morning Erev Rosh Hashana
23.09.2025 Tuesday Rosh Hashana
24.09.2025 Wednesday Rosh Hashana
01.10.2025 Wednesday open in the morning Erev Yom Kippur
02.10.2025 Thursday Yom Kippur
06.10.2025 Monday open in the morning Erev Sukkot
07.10.2025 Tuesday 1st Sukkot
13.10.2025 Monday open in the morning Erev Sukkot
14.10.2025 Thursday 2nd Sukkot
25.12.2025 Thursday Christmas
26.12.2025 Friday Christmas
Official Holidays in 2025