Sloping Land Management

Progetto concluso

Starting in 2004, the Ministry of Land and Environmental Protection (MoLEP) in partnership with SDC introduced to Sloping Land User Groups (SLUGs) new Sloping Land Management approaches and practices (SLM), such as participatory land use planning, reforestation, conservation farming and environmental measurements with the aim to improve the livelihoods of the rural population.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Corea, Repubblica popolare democratica
Canbiamento climatico ed ambiente
Protezione dell'ambiente
01.01.2013 - 31.12.2014
CHF  897’000

DPR Korea is covered by 80% of mountainous and upland slopes, and only 16.6% of arable land. Due to chronic food shortage and the partly inability of the government to deliver full food rations, SLUGs began to cultivate sloping lands. The increasing tendency of cultivation on slope land in the 90s, led to deforestation and land degradation. The land degradation and natural risks caused by unsuitable sloping land cultivation was recognized by the Ministry of Land and Environmental Protection (MoLEP), in response MoLEP initiated a long term campaign of reforestation on these deforested sloping lands.


SLM is to ensure environmental sustainability, to improve food security and income generation for Sloping Land User Groups. The goal of the program is in line with UN MDG 1 and 7 SLM contributes to ecologically sustainable, economically viable and socially beneficial management of sloping land by improving soil fertility, preventing soil erosion and meeting the needs of local communities. MoLEP in its strategy 2011 -2015 is targeting 150'000 ha of degraded sloping lands to be restored on the basis of improved Agro-Forestry (AF) approach and reinforcing standards mainly based on the experiences of MoLEP/SDC SLM projects. SLM/AF is recognised at national level: aiming to increase food security and environmental protection (rehabilitation). FAO Country Programme Framework (CPF) 2012-2015 with the component “Enhanced Capacity integrated sloping land management” is targeting in partnership with MoLEP 10’000ha by 2015

Gruppi target

The Sloping Land User Group (SLUG) is composed of 8-10 members, in majority housewives and pensioners living in the area. In the period 2013-2014 the total# of UG having access to improved AF cultivation information will double to number of 190 composed of 8-10 members (1’700 peoples) The total number of UG will cultivate almost 2’000 ha based on the by MoLEP disseminated AF techniques The activities will take place in 11 counties and two provinces (North Hwangwae, South Hamgyong).

Effetti a medio termine
  1. SLM techniques are widely applied at policy level and in supported counties.
  2. Based on SLM /AF the food security for targeted population in selected areas is improved, the diversification of crop and tree species is achieved.
  3. Reforestation and appropriate protective measures against soil and environment degradation are an integral part of the SLM.



Risultati fasi precedenti:  

Through the program implementation over the last 9 years, Agro Forestry (AF) practices were proven and confirmed as successful in preventing soil erosion and runoff, as well as sustainable farming production for SLUGs. At institutional level the training of MoLEP staff permitted a reinforcement of capacities for watershed management and disaster risk reduction techniques. The key results are: # User group, area: 93 SLUGs in 8 counties, 901 ha cultivated slopping land # Beneficiaries, gender: approx. 3'200 whereof more than 80% of UG members are women Crop diversity: increased from 1-2, potato and maize, to almost 15 crops for daily consumption and trade Environmental protection: grass belts of 1m width along the contour line, resulting 250km length; reducing soil loss by 60- 70% on slopping lands. Reforestation: 448ha with valuable tree species. Capacity building of SLUGs: 10-12 field training per year. Cross visit among SLUGs 3-4 times per year. Capacity building central and county level: 10 overseas study tours, involving around 100 staff and experts. Long term training (1 year) for 13 researchers in Kunming Institute of Botany, Publications: consolidation of 9 good SLM practices. Several manuals and leaflets on agro forestry were developed and disseminated to SLUGs, and Agricultural universities and colleges. Publication of a bilingual (Kr-En) manual on participatory AF development. Policy: 3 National Workshops on Agro forestry were organized, in 2008, 2009, 2011

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    897’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    665’296 Budget inclusi partner del progetto CHF    897’000
Fasi del progetto Fase 3 17.04.2015 - 31.03.2017   (Completed)

Fase 2 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2014   (Completed)

Fase 1 01.04.2012 - 30.09.2013   (Completed)