Supporting Kosovo in fighting youth unemployment is a long-term engagement of Switzerland.
Today, Thomas Kolly, the Ambassador of Switzerland to Kosovo and Skender Reçica, Acting Minister of Labour and Social Welfare signed an agreement to extend the project "Enhancing Youth Employment" for another four years. The objective is to to reduce youth high unemployment rate by easing young women and men’s transition from education to work. On this occasion, Ambassador Kolly stressed the importance of closely involving the private sector both at national and local levels.
The initiative builds on the achievements and lessons learnt in previous phases (2013-2020). Thanks to the development of skills relevant to the labour market and to the provision of more efficient information to the private sector and to job-seekers, over 5’000 young people have found employment over the past 8 years.
In the period 2021-2024, additional 3,000 people are expected to gain employment. Support measures will include a) non-formal and industry-led training aimed at matching their skills with the labor market needs; b) improved career guidance and job mediation services. The project (EUR 4'762'000) is funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and is implemented by a consortium between Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation and Management Development Associates.
More information on Swiss Cooperation in Kosovo
For more information, please contact Merita Stavileci Mustafa, Public Relations Officer at merita.stavileci@eda.admin.ch or +381 38 248 091