Sudan crisis, NRC Regional Response Plan 2024 – 2025 (Sudan, South Sudan, Chad, Egypt, Libya)

Sudan has become one the world worst humanitarian crisis. Nearly 18 months of war have turned it into the fastest growing displacement crisis. By the end of November 2024, an estimated 11.36 million people were internally displaced. In addition, more than 3.2 million people have fled across borders. Major bureaucratic and administrative impediments, financial collapse, market disruptions, and insecurity are hampering aid efforts. NRC plans to assist over 3.1 m conflict-affected people, focusing on those with severe needs and in hard-to-reach areas.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
South Sudan
Humanitarian Assistance & DRR
Agriculture & food security
Protection, access & security
Forced displacement (refugees, IDP, human trafficking)
Household food security
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025
CHF  5’060’000
Background Eighteen months into the conflict, fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces, along with allied armed groups, shows no sign of restraint. Violence has spread to additional Sudanese states with devastating impacts on civilian populations. With no political solution in sight, the conflict is expected to continue well beyond the end of 2024, driving further large-scale displacement and destruction within the Sudan and into neighbouring countries, deepening an already large regional humanitarian crisis. Driven by conflict, economic collapse, famine, and the deterioration or complete breakdown in some areas of key public services, the displacement crisis in the Sudan, both within its borders and into neighbouring countries, will grow even further. The Sudan has already become the largest and fastest-growing displacement crisis in the world. The large majority being Sudanese refugees moving to Chad and Egypt, and South Sudanese returning to South Sudan. Arrivals have been increasing also in Central African Republic as well as in Libya, Ethiopia, Tunisia and in Uganda.
Objectives NRC’s Regional  Response  Plan  Sudan  Crisis:  2024-2025 aims to provide lifesaving assistance, protection, legal support, and livelihoods to conflict-affected populations in Sudan and neighboring countries, emphasizing the involvement of local actors and market systems to achieve sustainable impact.
Target groups NRC aims to reach 3,107,200 people affected by the Sudan crisis in 2024 and 2025, including 2,190,200 in Sudan and 917,000 in neighbouring countries. Target groups include IDPs, refugees, returnees, third-country nationals, and local communities.
Medium-term outcomes

Objective 1: Displacement affected persons have improved access to lifesaving assistance 

Objective 2: Communities facing starvation access lifesaving assistance

Objective 3: Displacement affected communities have improved access to protection services

Objective 4: Local actors have enhanced capacity to respond

Objective 5: Displacement affected communities’markets are strengthened, incomes regenerated, and resilience enhanced.


Expected results:  

Objective 1: Provide multi-purpose cash, shelter and NFI, WASH and education support

Objective 2: Provide food, cash, and WASH assistance, build partnerships with NGOs and Community based organizations (CBO) to scale up emergency plans and community-led initiatives

Objective 3: Provide protection from violence services, legal assistance and site management support

Objective 4: Collaborate with local NGOs and CBOs

Objective 5: Provide small grants to businesses and community-based organisations, livelihood activities, WASH and education

Results from previous phases:   The contribuition to NRC’s regional response started on 01.12.23 only. 7F-11141.01.01 is still running until 31.12.24. The deadline for the submission of the operational and audited financial report for the period 01.12.2023 – 31.12. 24 is 28.2.25.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Project partners Contract partner
International or foreign NGO
  • Norwegian Refugee Council

Implementing partner
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) 

Other partners
OCHA Sudan Humanitarian Fund, USAID, Norway, UKAID, Expertise France, Education Cannot Wait, ECHO, German Humanitarian Assistance, Sweden, UNICEF, UNHCR, Government Principality of Liechtenstein, Emergency Rapid Response Mechanism Consortium South Sudan.
Coordination with other projects and actors NRC’s Regional Response Plan  Sudan  Crisis:  2024-2025  aligns with NRC’s country-specific strategies, including the Sudan Country Strategy 2024/2025, and NRC’s Global  Strategy. Meanwhile, NRC is actively involved in inter-agency humanitarian program cycles and coordinates through sector/ cluster systems and various technical and operational forums in Sudan and neigboring countries. In Sudan, NRC participates in Sudan’s inter-agency humanitarian programme cycles, contributing to the annual development of the Humanitarian Needs Overview and the Humanitarian Response  Plan. It coordinates efforts through the cluster system, the Refugee Consultation Forum, and the INGO Forum.
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    5’060’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    5’060’000 Total project since first phase Swiss budget CHF   0 Budget inclusive project partner CHF   5’060’000