Urban Climate Change Resilience in Asia

Project completed

The Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund (UCCRTF) managed by the Asian Development Bank supports city-level efforts to address intensifying climate change risks. It entails support to climate risk analysis and planning as well as technical assistance and targeted investment grants, with a focus on secondary cities.

Country/region Period Budget
30.10.2015 - 31.12.2022
CHF  9’300’000

Climate related disasters undermine sustainable development. Extreme weather events such as storms and gradual stresses like average temperature increases and sea level rise cause massive losses of livelihoods, growth and human life. Cities are hotspots of climate change related risks due to their concentration of people and economic assets. The higher the exposure to hazard and the higher the number of urban poor, the higher is the risk faced by an urban area. In regional comparison, Asian cities feature the largest urban population at risk of coastal flooding.


The overall objective of UCCRTF is to build resilience in 25 secondary cities through improved local capacity, changes in policy and practice, investments and knowledge sharing.

Medium-term outcomes

Urban dwellers are more resilient to climate and disaster risks as a direct result of UCCRTF investments.

Leverage of additional public and private investment in urban climate change resilience.

ADB lending in climate vulnerable sectors of urban development incorporates resilience principles.

Knowledge products generated by UCCRTF are used by cities.


Expected results:  

25 cities and 3 countries supported by UCCRTF include resilience principles in urban development strategies.

Planning processes initiated by UCCRTF include stakeholder engagement that involves urban poor groups and strong representation of women.

Training and capacity-building of city professional and urban poor groupings.

Peer learning amongst cities.

Directorate/federal office responsible SECO
Credit area Development cooperation
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    9’300’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    0 Budget inclusive project partner CHF    137’750’000
Project phases

Phase 1 30.10.2015 - 31.12.2022   (Completed)