Can Tho Urban Development and Resilience Project, Vietnam
Co-financed together with the World Bank, the Can Tho Urban Development and Resilience Project aims to increase the resilience of Can Tho City, Vietnam, to adverse climate change related events by proactively addressing the two biggest threats to its socioeconomic development: flooding and uncontrolled urbanization.
Country/region | Period | Budget |
Vietnam |
- 31.12.2024 |
CHF 9’500’000
Project number UR01011
Background |
Situated in the middle of the Mekong Delta, Can Tho is susceptible to flooding caused by Mekong overflow, high tides, and extreme rainfall events. Seasonal flooding typically affects 30% of the city area, but has recently increased to 50%. Close to 95% of the total land area is less than one meter above mean sea level. Given that Can Tho is the primary driver of the region’s economy, this vulnerability and susceptibility has left negative impacts on the economic development of the region. |
Objectives |
The objective of the Can Tho Urban Development and Resilience Project is to reduce flood risk in the city of Can Tho, Vietnam, guide urban development in a risk informed way, improve connectivity between the city center and the new low risk urban development areas, and enhance the capacity of city authorities to manage disaster risk sustainably. |
Medium-term outcomes |
The city has developed capacities in flood risk management and addressed the significant fragmentation and overlap among key authorities. The flood risk management system is successfully managed and number of flooding events in the cities core reduced significantly. A central platform to all relevant geospatial data is successfully introduced and used across all line departments for spatial planning, infrastructure development, operations and maintenance. Options to promote affordable, non-motorized and public transport are available. New compact urban development in the less flood-prone areas is encouraged. Unavoidable flood risks are properly managed and economic losses due to disruption of business activities are significantly reduced. |
Results |
Expected results: The Office of Long Term Planning under the PC is established and operational. The monitoring coverage of the flood prone areas in Can Tho has improved and relevant stakeholders have clear guidance on anticipated response measures. Public asset data is collected, digitized and populated on a web-based GIS platform that is accessible to stakeholders of urban integrated flood risk management. The Flood Risk Model allows for an efficient operation of the flood control and drainage systems of the City, enables analysis and visualizations of urban flood risks and subsequent risk sensitive investment planning. Recommendations on improvement of the trad. bus system together with financing requirements are available and roadmap for the establishment of a Public Transport Authority is developed. Feasibility study report on the pilot BRT corridor is available and detailed assessment and recommendations on possible TOD measures are available. An analysis of fiscal disaster risks was conducted. |
Directorate/federal office responsible |
Credit area |
Development cooperation |
Budget | Current phase Swiss budget CHF 9’500’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF 0 Budget inclusive project partner CHF 272’000’000 |
Project phases |
- 30.06.2025
(Current phase)
Phase 1 10.03.2016 - 31.12.2024 (Completed) |