The project database provides concrete insights into the international cooperation work of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). You can filter for projects by topic, country and project owner (either the SDC or SECO).
Project database
Remote sensing-based Information and Insurance for Crops in Emerging economies (RIICE) - Phase 3
- 31.08.2022
Extreme weather events increasingly affect small-scale producers in Asia. Satellites and other information technologies present tremendous potential for improved country-wide monitoring of crop growth and insurance solutions for extreme weather events. With RIICE, SDC supports the integration of expertise from Swiss private actors and international public research centres toward modernizing public agricultural services and crop insurance programmes, offering performant solutions to Governments and producers to cope with production shortfalls.
Project completed
More coffee with less water – towards a reduction of the blue water footprint in coffee production
- 31.03.2020
Intensified coffee production in Vietnam, the world’s second largest coffee producer, has resulted in seasonal water scarcity due to over-irrigation and water mismanagement. In this project Nestlé and SDC partner up to support achieving sufficient water availability for all water users in Vietnam. The project showcases that saving water is both, sustainable and profitable, for small scale coffee farmers. An aspect featured in global outreach and policy dialogues as well as in Switzerland as the world’s trading hub for coffee.
Project completed
Growing more coffee with less water in Vietnam
- 31.12.2017
Growing coffee consumes vast quantities of water. In Vietnam, there are sometimes water shortages in the villages surrounding the plantations. The SDC is working with the Vietnamese authorities and food company Nestlé to encourage local coffee growers to optimise their water use.
Country/region | Topic | Period | Budget |
Vietnam |
Water Agriculture & food security
Water resources conservation
Agricultural water resources
Water sector policy
01.05.2014 - 31.12.2017 |
CHF 900’000 |
Project completed
Pro-poor Policy Monitoring and Analysis in Vietnam
- 30.09.2016
Project completed
Vietnam Community Management Project
- 30.11.2016
“People know, people discuss, people implement and people supervise” is a Vietnamese government slogan to promote grassroots democracy. The government of Vietnam has recognized the rights and roles of citizens in local planning and decision-making. But do people have a say in decisions that affect them? Not yet. This project aims to contribute to the implementation of this slogan by facilitating a process through which communities “self-define” their problems, “self-set” their priorities, “self-develop” and “self-implement” their solutions, co-financed by SDC and communities.
Project completed
Vietnam: Support to the governance reforms under the “One UN Plan”
- 31.12.2014
One UN reform agenda, namely: One Plan, One Budget, One Leader, One Set of Management Practices, Green One UN House, One Voice. UN has convening role in the aid architecture and plays a vital role in supporting the governance reform in Vietnam
Project completed
Market Access for the Rural Poor – through Value Chain Promotion
- 30.06.2016
12 million poor farming households, many from ethnic minorities, live in rural Vietnam. Their livelihood depends on agriculture, but their access to the market is restricted for reasons ranging from limited information to lack of services. Switzerland supports projects and organisations that strengthen linkages and cooperation along agricultural value chains in order to improve access of 10’000 rural households to the market and to create processing jobs. Income and employment so generated is expected to help the rural poor out of poverty.
Project completed
Water Footprint Development
- 30.06.2014
Project completed
Public Service Provision Improvement Programmein Agriculture and Rural Development (PS-ARD)
- 31.12.2015
Despite Vietnam’s high economic growth rate in the last decades with impressive achievements in poverty reduction, the poverty rate gap between urban and rural areas is still high. More than 95% of poor people live in rural areas. In Hoa Binh and Cao Bang, where ethnic minority accounts for more than 60% and 90% respectively, the poverty rates are 16% and 25% in 2009 respectively.
Project completed
Public Service Provision Improvement Programmein Agriculture and Rural Development (PS-ARD)
- 31.12.2015
Despite Vietnam’s high economic growth rates in the last decades with impressive achievements in poverty reduction, the poverty rate gap between urban and rural areas is still high. More than 95% of poor people live in rural areas. In Cao Bang province, where ethnic minorities account for more than 90% of the population, the poverty rates were 25% in 2009.
Project completed
Public Service Provision Improvement Programme in Agriculture and Rural Development - PSARD - Coordination
- 31.12.2015
Project completed
Poverty Alleviation through Livestock Development in the Northern Uplands of Vietnam (PALD) Project
- 31.10.2015
Despite Vietnam’s high economic growth rate in the last decades with impressive achievements in poverty reduction, the poverty rate gap between urban and rural areas is still high.