Global Forums for Rural Advisory Services and youth in agriculture. Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) Young Professional in Agriculture and Rural Devel-opment (YPARD)

The COVID-19 crisis magnified existing inequalities. The people with less access to resilience mechanisms, such as the poor, women and youth groups are hardest hit, risking the loss of decades of improvement in poverty alleviation. Rural Advisory Services (RAS) are an important production input for millions of small farmers around the world. The two international networks based in Switzerland, and present in most geographical locations in the world will together develop and strengthen the ability of rural advisory services to better serve the smallholder farmers. 

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Agriculture & food security
Agricultural services & market
Agricultural development
Agricultural policy
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2026
CHF  4’100’000
Background The current global food system is under ever-growing pressure and have made farmers’ lives increasingly insecure and challenging. To produce enough safe and nutritious food in a sustainable way to sustain a population which is expected to rise to 9.7 billion by 2050 and addressing the SDGs, enhanced knowledge transfer throughout the agrifood system will be key. New approaches and solutions are desperately needed. The Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services  together with the Young Professional in Agriculture and Rural Development have proven their ability to develop and share innovative and contextual knowledge, and are uniquely positioned as global networks with their regional networks and country foras in more than 80 countries.
Objectives Rural Advisory Service providers and Young Professionals contribute to sustainable food systems for all men, women and youth in rural areas, through innovation and enhanced young professional’s engagement.
Target groups

Direct: Regional Networks and Country Fora

Educational Institutions on Rural Development and RAS

Multilateral Organisations and Bilateral Development Partners, Ministries of Agriculture and private sector companies.

Indirect: i) Smallholder Farmers, ii) Civil Society Orgaizations 

Medium-term outcomes

·       Outcome 1: Increased recognition of RAS and Youth in gender sensitive policies and investments related to agriculture.

·       Outcome 2: Strengthened performance of target groups in contributing to sustainable food systems

·       Outcome 3: Enhanced learning about RAS and Youth engagement

-       Outcome 4: Networks are functional and financially sustainable


Expected results:  

·  Networks have the capacities for policy dialogue and advocacy

·  Networks of GFRAS & YPARD are actively engaged in policy formulation Good practice notes on policies, methods and practices

·  RAS providers and Young Professionals have access to capacity building opportunities

·  Regional and global conferences

-  Professional quality of RAS delivery assured (certification of operators)

Results from previous phases:  

·  The New Extension Learning Kit (NELK) developed by GFRAS as been used by 15’000 users, 7000 certificates were issued by 70 learning institutions and , 750 MSc and 250 PhD Student/y have work on it in India.

·  GFRAS is implementing the IFAD-supported Last-Mile Programme (LMP) which has started in eight countries spread over three continents with 6’000 RAS providers and 600’000 farmers reached

-   Meaningful participation of young professionals of YARD in agriculture-related discussions, policies and governance structures such as the Youth in Landscapes Initiative, and the Youth Alliance for Zero hunger.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
Swiss Academic and Research Institution
Swiss Non-profit Organisation
  • Developing agriculture and rural areas, Lindau
  • Other Swiss academic and research institutions

Coordination with other projects and actors

Coordination with agricultural projects of SDC in respective partner countries. Close cooperation of knowledge management with Helvetas/Swiss Intercooperation who is implementing RAS projects for SDC. Cooperation with CGIAR, IFAD.

Coordination with several bilateral programs financed by Germany (One world without hunger), USAID, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; as well as multi-lateral programs by FAO and World Bank.

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    4’100’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    2’676’000
Project phases Phase 4 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2026   (Current phase) Phase 3 01.06.2016 - 31.12.2020   (Completed)