
The project database provides concrete insights into the international cooperation work of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). You can filter for projects by topic, country and project owner (either the SDC or SECO).

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Strengthening policy dialogue on DRR & RR of Andean countries

14.11.2022 - 31.10.2025

The project aims at strengthening policy dialogue on Disaster Risk Reduction and Rapid Response among Andean countries in particular and within the Latin America countries in general. The participation of SDC’s key partners in DRR and humanitarian events (e.g. the yearly Humanitarian Network and Partnership Week) will facilitate knowledge exchange, experience sharing and increased collaboration within the region. The project will further contribute to this by engaging in knowledge management supporting regional policy dialogue, and by financially contributing to specific events.

Building Regional Adaptive capacity and resilience to climate variability and change in Vulnerable sectors in the Andes (BRAVA)

01.06.2021 - 31.12.2026

SDC contributes to the World Meteorological Organisation’s ENANDES project, aiming to increase the resilience of 6 Latin-American countries to climate change. With the support of Swiss researchers and experts from MeteoSwiss, the project will increase the predictive capabilities of the responsible national authorities and support co-design of Weather, Water and Climate Services across the region, to the benefit of the local population, including the most vulnerable.

Project completed

Inclusive Insurance

01.07.2020 - 30.09.2022

Most of Bolivia's population is exposed to various risks that may trigger situations of poverty; in addition, the country is located in a region that is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. During the previous phases, the project sought to motivate actors in the insurance market to implement inclusive and agricultural insurance; the exit phase seeks to consolidate the conditions enabling the innovative and sustainable operation of this insurance market.  

Project completed

Bioculture and Climate Change

01.04.2020 - 31.10.2023

Bolivia is highly vulnerable to the effects of Climate Change, particularly in its regions of greater population density and poverty. Over two phases, the program has helped Bolivia to improve the resilience capacity of its most vulnerable communities, while in parallel building up and strengthening the public sector’s capacity in this area. The third and final phase aims to consolidate the mechanisms put in place by the State to implement its climate change related policies at national and subnational levels.

Project completed

Gestión integral del agua

01.01.2019 - 31.12.2022

In Bolivia, Switzerland has been supporting the Ministry of the Environment and Water in improving integrated water and watershed management for several years. In this last phase of the project, support is given to the consolidation and implementation of the “Plan Nacional de Cuencas” (National Watershed Plan) to ensure water security and increase the climate resilience of vulnerable populations. Consolidation includes better coordination among various state levels, sectors and institutions and the systematization and capitalization of experiences and results.

Project completed

Integral water management

Photography: Tajzara Micro-watershed / Integral water management / Mauricio Panozo.

01.09.2014 - 31.12.2018

Since 2007 Bolivia is implementing a national Watershed-policy, which is based on a 20-years-project work of Swiss EZA in this area and which aims for an integral water management. Together with other providers Switzerland supports the implementation of the 2nd phase of the national plan for Watershed-management on national level and in the 4 Andean departments.  This way, the resilience of 62.500 families will be improved directly and of 300.000 indirectly in the next 4 ½ years.

Project completed

Disaster risk reduction

01.06.2014 - 31.12.2018

The effects of climate change and the impact of natural hazards keep affecting rural vulnerable livelihoods. The Bolivian Government prioritised food security to reduce extreme poverty through major increase of public investments in sectors of water resources (dam) & on rural development (irrigation system, soil conservation, and early warning system). The risk of failure of these infrastructures because of disasters is high for lack of integrated risk management and climate change adaptation (CCA). The SDC project intends to strengthen the resilience of the existing and future infrastructures in the sectors.

Project completed

Programa de Reduccion de Riesgo de Desastres -PRRD 4: Promoting culture of Resilience

18.03.2014 - 31.12.2018

Bolivia is one of the countries worldwide with highest risk from impact of climate change (CC). The latter affects the socio-economic development of the country and in particular rural vulnerable livelihoods. Disaster Risk Reduction is not properly developed in public policies although the Bolivian Government is keen to reduce the vulnerability. The SDC project intends to develop a lasting/sustainable culture of resilience among public sector with training of key agents of change and raising awareness among population.

Project completed

Object 1 – 9 of 9

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