Projects in Hungary

Object 1 – 12 of 39

Project completed

Dam rehabilitation of the Reservoir of Rakaca

01.03.2013 - 30.11.2016

The dam stability of Rakaca reservoir is deficient at certain places. This problem is aggravated by a drainage system which is not well-functioning. The project partly renews the unstable part of the dam and rehabilitates the drainage system. This reduces the risk of a dam failure with related flood waves for the 5’200 inhabitants of down-stream settlements. Furthermore, supply of drinking water is ensured in the long run for 35’000 inhabitants of the region.

Project completed

Flood-control reconstruction of Lázbérc

01.03.2013 - 20.03.2017

During the very intense precipitations of May 2010, important structural elements of the Lázbérc reservoir were damaged due to the high run-off. The project renews and rehabilitates the damaged parts of the dam, such as the spillway, surface and underground drainage systems and the downstream canal. Thanks to this, 2’650 inhabitants of down-stream settlements are less threatened by a dam failure.

Project completed

Flood protection with mobile dams

01.10.2012 - 31.12.2016

Upper Tisza River Region is frequently and heavily flooded and has sudden torrents and rainfalls. In a pilot project, the National Directorate General of Disaster Management will purchase and test a mobile dike system that can serve as a rapid response, cost efficient and environmental friendly device. As this system is under certain conditions faster available than conventional flood protection with sandbags, precious time can be gained to protect the inhabitants, property and goods.

Project completed

Prevention and management of natural disasters in Miskolc city

01.10.2012 - 31.01.2015

Miskolc city has been hardly hit by three important flooding due to heavy rainfall in 2010, leaving behind important damages at watercourses. For this reason, this Project reconstructs and maintains two out of the city’s twelve creeks and completes the drainage system in a low-lying township. 2’700 inhabitants living in the concerned areas will thus be protected from future flooding.

Project completed

Stimulating tourism in the Hungarian region of Zemplén

Six Swiss musicians in traditional attire give an alphorn concert in the new climbing gym in the town of Sátoraljaújhely.

01.09.2012 - 31.12.2016

In the hilly wine-growing region of Zemplén in north-eastern Hungary, authorities and NGOs on the ground have, in cooperation with the SDC, implemented a major programme aimed at developing tourism and stimulating the local economy.  

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Unallocated / Unspecified
Sectors not specified
Promoting economic growth and improving working conditions
Regional development and employment

01.09.2012 - 31.12.2016

CHF  2’509’159

Project completed

Cooperation for the protection of our natural assets

01.09.2012 - 31.12.2014

In Hungary, the total area protected either by national or EU legislation has grown to 22 % of the total territory. The project collects extensive data on protected natural areas of local interest and on Natura 2000 areas. Based on this data, the project organises an important awareness raising campaign (with information events, competitions, webpage) and enhances the protection of natural areas of local interest.

Project completed

Widening Green Kindergarten and Ecoschool movements

01.07.2012 - 31.12.2016

In Hungary only 12 percent of the public educational institutions have the Green Kindergarten / Ecoschool Award. The project supports further educational institutions to get this award. These newly awarded Green Kindergarten and Ecoschools will teach environmental subjects of a high quality and in a systematic way to the children. Hence, the environmental consciousness of chil-dren attending these institutions is increased.

Project completed

Pilot general practitioner teams in North-East Hungary

01.07.2012 - 31.05.2017

Health status in Hungary is clearly below EU average, especially among marginalized groups. In a pilot programme, newly set-up general practitioner teams will provide a broader scope and better quality of health services in disadvantaged Hungarian regions. Together with accompanying research, the results of this pilot programme will serve as basis for a country-wide introduction of this model.

Project completed

Community Policing

01.06.2012 - 30.11.2015

To better solve today’s security problems, the police needs to increasingly cooperate with other public and private organizations such as NGOs. This pilot project introduces the concept of community policing in four Hungarian cities to lay the foundation of a country-wide implementation. Goal is to improve the security situation by bringing the police closer to the population.

Project completed

Surveys of protected species in Vas, Zala and Somogy

01.05.2012 - 31.12.2016

When the Natura 2000 sites in the counties Vas, Zala and Somogy were designated, several species have not been surveyed at all or just incompletely. This project fills this gap by surveying 90 data-deficient species (amphibians, reptiles, bats, butterflies, dragonflies, xilophag insects). Based on this data, protection measures are proposed which will contribute to the conservation of the Natura 2000 sites.

Project completed

Sustainable conservation on Hungarian Natura 2000 sites

01.04.2012 - 31.10.2016

Countrywide surveys and assessments of data-deficient forest and wetland species and habitats deliver lacking data necessary to decide on corrective measures. Based on the data, management plans for Natura 2000 areas are elaborated in close cooperation with all stakeholders as farmers or the forest industry. The plans contain corrective measures and will contribute to preserve the areas combining the interests of environment and economy. 

Project completed

Sky-high schoolroom

01.04.2012 - 31.12.2016

Forest educational institutions are a perfect means for developing environmental consciousness of future generations. The project supports educational institutions in participating in such programs which familiarize children with protected areas such as Natura 2000. Thanks to the project, at least 12’600 children shall have the possibility to participate in such a program.

Object 1 – 12 of 39