Where to apply for a Schengen visa?

* By appointment only
My place of residence My visa application should be submitted to
Saudi Arabia 
  • VFS Global - Application centers in Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam
  • Embassy of Switzerland in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia *
  • VFS Global -or-
  • Embassy of Switzerland in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia * By prior appointment only
Oman See Representation agreement below

VFS Global New location

Starting from September 3rd, 2023, VFS Global Schengen visa application for Switzerland will change location in Al Khobar, as follow:

Lulu Mall, King Fahd Road, 18th Street, Dammam- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 

VFS Global

Representation agreement

If a State does not have its proper visa section in a country or region, the delivery of a Schengen visa can be delegated to another Schengen State member with an agreement between both countries concerned.

The agreement allows the appointed representation to represent and handle Schengen visa applications within its own competence without consulting the other represented State.

Country / Region Schengen State which represents Switzerland My visa application should be submitted to
Oman  Netherlands  VFS Global