Manual: Displaying flags on the Mont Bridge in Geneva

International organisations (IOs) and Permanent Delegations of IOs have the opportunity of having their flags displayed on the Mont Blanc Bridge to mark a commemorative celebration or a particular event.

General principle

Such requests are subject to a procedure put in place by the City of Geneva in application of the Regulations relating to the paving of the Mont Blanc Bridge (the Regulations are available in the "Documents" section below).


IOs and Permanent Delegations are invited to use the diplomatic channel, through the Swiss Mission, to submit to the City of Geneva their requests to have their flag displayed on the bridge. They can do so by using the City of Geneva's registration form, which is available in the “Documents” section below. The City of Geneva does not charge them any fees for displaying the flags.

Applications must include the reason for displaying a flag and the required period of time. The maximum period is one week (from Monday to the following Sunday). Applications must be submitted in advance within the following time frames:

  •  by the end of March for flag displays in the second half of a given year (between 1 July and 31 December), and 
  •  by the end of September for flag displays in the first half of the following year (between 1 January and 30 June). 

The Swiss Mission will forward the applications received by IOs and Permanent Delegations to the City of Geneva twice a year (at the beginning of April and the beginning of October). Only the Administrative Council of the City of Geneva is competent to grant flag displays. The Swiss Mission will inform the IOs and Permanent Delegations that have submitted an application of the decision of the Administrative Council of the City of Geneva. 

The City of Geneva is unable to process applications submitted outside the time periods specified above. 

Specialist Contact

Permanent Mission of Switzerland to UNOG
Legal and Protocol Section
Rue de Varembé 9-11
P.O. Box 194
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel.: +41 (0)58 482 24 24