Driving of a "CD" vehicle

Personal vehicles

Vehicles of persons with diplomatic status, including heads of mission (PM), members of senior management (IO), diplomatic agents (PM), and senior officials (IO) (holders of type 'B' or 'C' legitimation cards) – as well as members of their family with diplomatic status who are authorised to register a vehicle in their own name – are registered with 'CD' diplomatic plates.

Persons eligible to drive

In principle, only the owner of a vehicle registered with 'CD' diplomatic plates is authorised to drive it. However, family members of the legitimation card's main beneficiary may also drive the 'CD' vehicle if they have diplomatic status. Family members with diplomatic status who have exchanged their type 'B' or 'C' legitimation card for a 'Ci' permit may also drive the main beneficiary's 'CD' vehicle. The 'Ci' permits of family members with diplomatic status make clear that they benefit from this status.

Exceptionally, spouses / partners / cohabitees or children of the main beneficiary who do not have diplomatic status (for example Swiss nationals or holders of a different type of legitimation card or temporary/permanent residence permit) may drive the main beneficiary's 'CD' vehicle subject to all of the following conditions:

a)  They live in the same household as the main beneficiary;

b) They have a valid driving licence that is recognised in Switzerland (1);

c) The insurance for the vehicle in question must cover multiple drivers;

d) The main beneficiary's immunity cannot be invoked in the event of an incident, accident, or breach of traffic regulations that occurs while the spouse or a child is driving;

e) Requests for leniency cannot be made with regard to fines or contraventions imposed on the vehicle, and must be paid unless it can be proved the offender enjoys privileges and immunities;

f) Because fuel cards are personal and non-transferable, only the main beneficiary can purchase fuel tax free. Their fuel use should be clearly in line with private household requirements;

g) The 'CD' vehicle cannot be used for any paid activities of the main beneficiary's spouse or children. They may use the vehicle to travel to or from their place of work/study, but may not use it for any non-private purposes (e.g. transporting third parties or merchandise, canvassing for clients, deliveries, etc.), whether in Switzerland, abroad, or in border areas.

The Swiss mission reserves the right to explicitly prohibit spouses and children from driving the main beneficiary's 'CD' vehicle in the event of a breach of or failure to observe these conditions.

Persons not eligible to drive

Persons without diplomatic status, other than the above-mentioned spouses / partners / cohabitees and children living in the same household as the main beneficiary, may not drive the main beneficiary's 'CD' vehicle with diplomatic plates.

Service vehicles

Heads of mission (PM), members of senior management (IO) and personnel employed as drivers (PM/IO) are eligible to drive service vehicles with 'CD' diplomatic plates.

Staff members of permanent missions and international organisations who have diplomatic status are also eligible to drive service vehicles in the course of their duties.

Staff members of permanent missions who have diplomatic status and use a service vehicle in a private capacity must register the vehicle as a personal vehicle under their own name (see manual: Vehicle > Registration).    

Driving a vehicle with ordinary plates as a person with diplomatic status

In principle, persons with diplomatic status must drive a vehicle with 'CD' diplomatic plates. This allows police and customs officers to take account of the driver's status during any checks.

Nevertheless, persons with diplomatic status are also free to drive vehicles with ordinary plates on a regular basis, including rental vehicles and vehicles registered in the name of a spouse without diplomatic status. In such cases, these persons must accept any inconveniences resulting from the fact that their diplomatic status will not be immediately recognisable by the authorities. 

Specialist Contact

Permanent Mission of Switzerland to UNOG  
Good Offices and Security Section
Rue de Varembé 9-11, P.O. Box 194
CH - 1211 Geneva 20
Tel. +41 (0)58 482 24 24