
Registration of a vehicle of members of personnel of a permanent mission or an international organisation

Types of license plates

In accordance with the federal Ordinance governing the admission of persons and vehicles to road circulation (OAC) of 27 October 1976 (RS 741.51), the "CD" acronym (diplomatic license plates) is reserved for the following :

  • service vehicles of diplomatic missions and vehicles of members of the diplomatic personnel of these missions (article 86, par.1 a);
  • service vehicles of permanent delegations to the international organisations and vehicles of the members of the diplomatic personnel of these delegations (article 86, par.1 b);
  • service vehicles of the international organisations and vehicles of the highest ranking international civil servants of these organisations (article 86, par.1 c).

Diplomatic license plates "CD" (blue for permanent missions and international organisations and green for embassies in Berne) are thus reserved for the service vehicles of the permanent missions, Heads of mission and diplomatic personnel. They are also available for the service vehicles of international organisations, members of the senior management and high ranking officials.

The vehicles of other persons, who do not enjoy diplomatic status, are registered with ordinary license plates.

"AT" license plates are exclusively reserved for vehicles of members of the administrative and technical staff of the diplomatic missions in Berne. Vehicles of the administrative and technical staff of the permanent missions in Geneva are registered with ordinary license plates.

Designation of license plates

Members of personnel of permanent missions and international civil servants must register their vehicles with the license plates of their canton of residence.

International civil servants and members of personnel of permanent missions domiciled in France are not allowed to have Swiss license plates (neither diplomatic nor ordinary).

The vehicle must be registered in Switzerland as soon as customs procedures have been completed, and no later than one year after the date of entry into Switzerland. In the meantime, if the person concerned is covered by a valid third party liability insurance issued abroad and holds a valid national driving license, the vehicle may be driven in Switzerland while still registered with foreign license plates.

"CD" or ordinary license plates

Permanent missions, international organisations and their members of personnel with diplomatic status are obligatory required to register all of their vehicles with diplomatic license plates "CD". Beneficiaries of diplomatic status are required to register their vehicles in their own name and not through service providers offering car subscription and registration packages.

The vehicles of members of personnel who do not have diplomatic status will be registered with ordinary license plates.

Specialist Contact

Permanent Mission of Switzerland to UNOG  
Good Offices and Security Section
Rue de Varembé 9-11, P.O. Box 194
CH - 1211 Geneva 20
Tel. +41 (0)58 482 24 24