Toll sticker (vignette)

The use of Swiss motorways is subject to a charge. It is levied in the form of the annual "vignette", which costs CHF 40 and is valid from 1 December of the year prior to that shown on the vignette through to 31 January of the following year. This charge applies to all motor vehicles or trailers registered in Switzerland or abroad, except for trucks subject to the heavy vehicle charge. The related legal texts are referred to under the “Links” below.

Permanent missions and their staff

Permanent missions and their staff are also subject to the motorway charge, which is equivalent to a toll for Switzerland's entire motorway network. The motorway tax sticker is therefore deemed to be a fee for services rendered as provided for in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961 (cf. Art. 34, let. e).

International organisations and their staff

The service vehicles of international organisations based in Switzerland with which the Federal Council has concluded a headquarters agreement are exempt from the fee (cf. Art. 4, let. d, LVA) in accordance with those agreements. 

The toll sticker (vignette) can be purchased in two formats:

  1. Self-adhesive sticker affixed to the vehicle windshield;
  2. E-vignette from the Via portal, Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS). Caution: for holders of CD number plates, enter the full number as it appears on the plate, but without a full stop and without spaces (e.g. CDGE1234)

The main difference between the two formats is that the self-adhesive sticker is linked to the vehicle, while the e-vignette is linked to the number plate. This means that if the owner replaces their number plate, they can transfer the e-vignette to the new number plate.

The e-vignette option is convenient for people who have a set of interchangeable number plates and for those who buy a new vehicle during the year. 

Where can I purchase a motorway tax sticker?

In Switzerland, you can buy a self-adhesive motorway tax sticker at the usual points of sale (post offices, petrol stations, garages, cantonal vehicle registration offices) and at motorway border crossings.

Abroad, you can buy one at existing points of sale.

The e-vignette can be purchased at any time online on the Via portal.

Drivers using a toll road without a vignette, whether self-adhesive or electronic, are liable to a CHF 200 fine. They will also have to pay the CHF 40 fee for a motorway sticker.

Specialist Contact

Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UNOG
Good Offices and Security Section
Rue de Varembé 9-11
P.O. Box 194
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel.: +41 58 482 24 24