Switzerland regrets measures against the independent International Criminal Court

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Press releases, 15.03.2019

Switzerland regrets that the United States has adopted measures against officials of the International Criminal Court and threatened to impose further sanctions. It reiterates its support to the Court as an independent institution that prosecutes the most serious crimes and contributes to sustainable peace.

Switzerland regrets that the United States of America has imposed visa restrictions against officials of the Internationale Criminal Court and threatened to adopt further sanctions. The Court is independent and bound only by law. It must therefore not become the target of political measures.

Switzerland reiterates its support to the Court that makes an important contribution the prevention and punishment of the most serious crimes and provides justice for the victims. It thus plays a crucial role in securing sustainable peace and stability.

All States are obliged to prosecute and punish the most serious crimes. Only if they are unable or unwilling to do so may the Court intervene. With this in mind, Switzerland calls on the United States to ensure its own comprehensive prosecution.

The International Criminal Court is supported by 123 States, including Switzerland, and is located in The Hague, the Netherlands. It can prosecute genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression.

Address for enquiries:

FDFA Information
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CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 58 462 31 53
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E-mail: info@eda.admin.ch


Federal Department of Foreign Affairs