#SwissTech: Switzerland showcases smart technologies in Paris

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Press releases, 16.05.2019

From 16 to 18 May 2019, Switzerland will take part in Viva Technology (VivaTech) in Paris, one of Europe's foremost technology fairs. The Swiss pavilion, part of Presence Switzerland's current #SwissTech campaign, will feature an interactive show of innovative technologies that help people lead more networked, informed and sustainable lives.

This is Switzerland's second multifunctional pavilion at Paris VivaTech. The interactive show will give visitors surprising glimpses into everyday applications of robotics and digitalisation. It will feature, for example, a young couple who use a range of products and services from the medtech, sporttech and foodtech sectors to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle while increasing their understanding and awareness of their own consumer behaviour. The show will headline thirteen Swiss companies that have developed a variety of innovative products, ranging from an intelligent mattress that helps prevent snoring, to a smart shopping app that displays the nutritional value of various products and flags ingredients that fail to meet sustainability standards, to a smart bracelet that tracks fertility cycles.
"#SwissTech is user-oriented and highly competitive. Together with our start-ups, we aim to make this fact known internationally in a lively and creative way that benefits our economy, that needs visibility," notes Ambassador Nicolas Bideau, head of Presence Switzerland.

In parallel to the interactive show, the Swiss Pavilion will bring together investors and leading actors from the international tech scene and host, together with Switzerland Global Enterprise, other Swiss companies operating in sectors like fintech, blockchain technology and cybersecurity. Joël Mesot, President of ETH Zurich, Martina Hirayama, State Secretary of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, and Bertrand Piccard, visionary and pioneer of solar flight, will also visit the Swiss Pavilion. VivaTech has also invited two outstanding Swiss made projects : the four-legged robot ANYmal, developed at ETH Zurich for autonomous operation in challenging environments, natural disasters and search and rescue missions, and the TWIICE exoskeleton born at EPFL in Lausanne, that will allow disabled people to walk again

Switzerland's presence in Paris is one of a series of activities undertaken as part of #SwissTech, a campaign organised by Presence Switzerland in collaboration with Switzerland Global Enterprise and supporting institutional partners Innosuisse, digitalswitzerland and the swissnex network. The campaign aims to promote Switzerland as a leading high-tech nation that has much to offer international investors and foreign companies. The next dates on the agenda for #SwissTech are CEATEC Japan in October 2019 and CES Las Vegas in January 2020.

Further information:

Further information on Switzerland's presence at CES 2019

Address for enquiries:

Ambassador Nicolas Bideau
Head of Presence Switzerland
Tel.: +41 79 667 69 15

FDFA Information
Federal Palace West Wing
CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 58 462 31 53
E-mail: info@eda.admin.ch
Twitter: @SwissMFA


Federal Department of Foreign Affairs