An event co-organised by the Swiss Association of Hong Kong (SAHK) and the Swiss Chamber of Commerce (SwissCham) in Hong Kong with the support of the Consulate General of Switzerland in Hong Kong. This year we are celebrating the SAHK's 75th anniversary. We would love to have you for a merry evening filled with Swiss food, wine, music and entertainment.
作为瑞士驻华大使馆年度主题“多样性与我”活动的一部分,同时为提高公众对身心障碍群体的认知与关注,促进社会包容度,瑞士使馆携手瑞士盲牛(Blinde Kuh)基金会及保利文化集团,共同推出“Blinde Kuh – Dialogue in the dark / 盲牛——黑暗中的感官之旅” 体验活动。Blinde Kuh基金会1998年成立于瑞士苏黎世,旨在促进视力正常人士与视障者之间的对话与相互理解。
"Make Music Hong Kong!" (MMHK) is an annual music festival launched in 2018 by the Alliance Française de Hong Kong (AFHK) and the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau (CGF). Switzerland will be represented again this year by Swiss singer, guitarist and songwriter Andy Schaub. After his successful debut at last year's MMHK, where he submitted his music electronically due to the at that time Covid circumstances, we are even more pleased to see him live on stage this year.
Location: June 16: The Wanch in Wanchai; June 17: Hong Kong Fringe Club in Central