Progetti in Croazia

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 12

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Progetto concluso

Modernisation of Vocational Education and Training Programmes

01.06.2017 - 31.12.2020

Modernising VET (Vocational Education and Training) programmes for crafts and improving the quality of work-based-learning will benefit Croatian youth and contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities between Croatia and the more economically advanced countries of the enlarged European Union (EU), especially in the field of VET.

Migliorare la sicurezza per la popolazione croata nel-le zone contaminate dalle mine

Uno specialista smina un terreno

01.06.2017 - 10.12.2024

Le mine e altri residuati bellici esplosivi sono una pericolosa eredità della guerra in Croazia del 1991-1996 e pregiudicano ancora oggi la sicurezza della popolazione locale. L’integrazione economica e sociale delle vittime delle mine costituisce una sfida per la società. Nel quadro del contributo svizzero all’allargamento la Svizzera versa tre milioni CHF per sostenere misure volte a rimuovere le mine e a migliorare la situazione delle vittime e delle loro famiglie. La qualità di vita della popolazione che vive nelle regioni contaminate dalle mine ne trae così un grande beneficio.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Unallocated Unspecified
Sectors not specified
Rimozione di mine terrestri
Rafforzare la sicurezza pubblica

01.06.2017 - 10.12.2024

CHF  5’199’576

Progetto concluso

NGO Block Grant

01.05.2017 - 31.12.2022

The NGO Block will support approximately 40 projects with up to maximum CHF 200’000 per project, to implement activities primarily focused on children and youth as well as their family members, related to improving their skills and knowledge on sustainable development.

Progetto concluso

Sostegno della cooperazione internazionale nel campo della ricerca e dello sviluppo in Croazia

Il fondatore e amministratore della ditta specializzata in illuminazione REFLECTA davanti a una flipchart mentre spiega il suo progetto.

01.05.2017 - 31.05.2024

Per quanto riguarda gli investimenti in nuove tecnologie la Croazia si situa al di sopra della media rispetto ad altri Stati membri dell’UE. Tuttavia, con lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti procede un po’ più a rilento. Le innovazioni sono un fattore importante per lo sviluppo economico e hanno un ruolo significativo per un Paese con un elevato tasso di disoccupazione. Per questo motivo la Svizzera sostiene, con un contributo di un milione di franchi, il programma Eurostars croato che rafforza la cooperazione internazionale nel campo della ricerca e dello sviluppo tra le piccole e medie imprese croate (PMI) e i partner europei.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Unallocated Unspecified
Unallocated Unspecified
Unallocated Unspecified
Sectors not specified
Sectors not specified
Sectors not specified
Favorire la crescita economica e migliorare le condizioni di lavoro

01.05.2017 - 31.05.2024

CHF  1’000’000

Progetto concluso

Partnership Block Grant Croatia

01.05.2017 - 31.12.2022

The Partnership Block Grant will support approximately 20 projects with up to CHF 250’000 per project, aiming at the improvement of living conditions in Croatia through the exchange of information, transfer of know-how and good practices between the two countries.

Progetto concluso

Promotion of Tenure Track – The Tenure Track Pilot Programme (TTPP)

01.05.2017 - 10.12.2024

Top researchers and their teams receive financial support and favourable conditions in Croatian research institutions to realise their research. By this, Croatia remains attractive for scientists with high potential. Brain drain is prevented. Switzerland contributes to enhancing the Croatian research system by promoting a new career model for future professors.

Progetto concluso

Croatian Swiss Research Programme (CSRP)

01.01.2017 - 31.12.2023

Through the Croatian Swiss Research Programme, Switzerland contributes to enhancing the Croatian scientific competitiveness. By strengthening capacities in research, the Croatian academic partners shall increasingly be interlinked in the international research community. Further, the joint research activities provide findings that are beneficial for society and politics.

Progetto concluso

Technical Assistance Fund Croatia (TAFA)

01.06.2016 - 10.12.2024

The Technical Assistance Fund is meant to financing costs incurred by the administration of the partner country in its management of the programme, in particular for the costs of compaigns, operation of Annual Meetings, external evaluations of projects, experts and consultants, and external audits.

Progetto concluso

Water Supply and Wastewater of the municipality of Delnice

30.05.2017 - 31.12.2023

Delnice is located in the region of Gorski Kotar, where Switzerland and Croatia implement three water supply and wastewater projects. The uncontrolled discharge of untreated sanitary wastewater risks to pollute drinking water sources and catchment areas of the Danube and the Adriatic Sea. Moreover, the existing drinking water systems are in need of maintenance. A feasibility study, also financed through the Swiss contribution to Croatia, detects deficiencies and defines needs for action.

Progetto concluso

Water Supply and Wastewater of the municipality of Fužine

30.05.2017 - 31.12.2023

Fužine is located in the region of Gorski Kotar, where Switzerland and Croatia intend to implement three water supply and wastewater projects. The uncontrolled discharge of untreated sanitary wastewater risks to pollute drinking water sources and catchment areas of the Danube and the Adriatic Sea. Moreover, the existing drinking water systems are in need of maintenance. A feasibility study, also financed through the Swiss contribution to Croatia, detects deficiencies and defines needs for action.

Progetto concluso

Water Supply and Wastewater of the municipality of Brod Moravice

30.05.2017 - 31.12.2023

Brod Moravice is located in the region of Gorski Kotar, where Switzerland and Croatia intend to implement three water supply and wastewater projects. The uncontrolled discharge of untreated sanitary wastewater risks to pollute drinking water sources and catchment areas of the Danube and the Adriatic Sea. Moreover, the existing drinking water systems are in need of maintenance. A feasibility study, also financed through the Swiss contribution to Croatia, detects deficiencies and defines needs for action.

Progetto concluso

Project Preparation Facility (PPF)

02.11.2015 - 28.04.2017

The Swiss Contribution to enlargement aims to finance a broad variety of projects. The PPF to Croatia provided the necessary financial and technical assistance to the Executing Agency Croatian Waters – Hrvatske vode – to elaborate high quality project documents for seven water supply and wastewater systems in municipalities of the region Gorski Kotar. Such preparatory works contained complex studies, the drawing of preliminary plans, the receipt of location permits, etc. Based on this information, Switzerland was able to commit funds to well-elaborated projects.

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 12

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