The partnership approach is an important element of the second Swiss Contribution, it means the involvement of a variety of organizations and institutions in the elaboration and implementation of the programmes and projects planned in the framework of the second Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme. One of the major milestones in this process is the stakeholder consultation, which is organized to involve sectoral, professional and civil society organizations in discussing the contents of the programmes to improve their relevance and effectiveness.
Between 24 and 27 April 2023 three of these stakeholder consultations took place to discuss the following programmes:
- ‘Fight against human trafficking’ programme in the thematic field of "Providing support to migration management and promoting integration measures"
- ‘Improved water quality in Hungary’ programme in the thematic field of "Water and wastewater management"
- ‘Hospice-Palliative Care Programme’ programme in the thematic field of "Health and social protection."
The participating organisations provided valuable feedback to develop the relevance of the programmes by making recommendations on, among others, the technical contents, the scope of eligible activities, the potential partners, performance indicators, timing and financing. The recommendations will be taken into account by the responsible Hungarian authorities during the finalization of the programme documents.