The Special Ambassador for Migration of Switzerland, Eduard Gnesa, visited Hungary

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Local news, 01.04.2016

Special Ambassador Eduard Gnesa is Switzerland’s envoy for international migration cooperation. He has been invited to speak at a conference on migration.

Ambassador Gnesa at the conference in the Andrássy University © by Embassy of Switzerland
Ambassador Gnesa at the conference in the Andrássy University

There are only a few topics at the moment that are more current as migration. The Károlyi foundation has organized an international comprehensive conference on this broad topic on the 1st and 2nd April, which not only focused on the current so called “migration crisis". 

Dr. Eduard Gnesa has been the head of the office of migration in Switzerland for eight years, and was appointed special ambassador for international migration cooperation in 2009. On the 31st March he held a “brown-bag-lunch” at the German-speaking Andrássy University with about 50 students and guests, who were eager to ask him questions after his presentation about the challenges for the EU and Switzerland in the migration crisis.

After the exchange, Ambassador Gnesa visited the Director of the Hungarian office for Migration and citizenship, Mrs. Zsuzsanna Végh, and held a friendly and informative conversation with her.

The Károlyi conference, held at the castle in Fehérvárcsurgó, was opened by some thoughts of the Ambassador of Switzerland to Hungary, Jean-François Paroz. Ambassador Gnesa held a presentation on “International cooperation and the Swiss Priorities in Migration”. The second guest from Switzerland, Heinz Bonfadelli, talked about the role of the media in the migration crisis. Other speakers from Hungary, Germany, Austria, Poland, Italy and Belgium contributed to the high standard of the trilingual conference.