Medical students of the Osh State University to improve education

Local news, 01.03.2017

An opening ceremony of the clinical skills center in the medical faculty of the Osh State University took place on March 1, 2017.

The medical clinic was opened by the Osh State University with support of the Swiss side in the frame of the project “Reform of medical education” in Kyrgyzstan - the University funded USD 50’000 and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation sponsored CHF 35’000 including technical support and expertise.

The center will provide opportunities for medical students to gain more clinical skills during their education at the university. It has such departments as “pediatrics”, “therapy”, “surgery”, “obstetrics” and “gynecology” “maternity department”, “reanimation”. The clinical center contains simulation and medical equipment, mannequins of the human parts where students will know about disease symptoms and learn how to treat them.

“Today, the new curriculum on general practitioner specialty is being implemented at the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy and first graduates are expected in June 2018. In September 2016 the Osh State University has started teaching medicine based on new curricula”, said the Ambassador of Switzerland to the Kyrgyz Republic, René Holenstein. “This clinical skills center is one of the new learning tools for the medical students created to improve clinical skills and to become experienced doctors in future to save lives of the population”.


Local news, 30.10.2017

A training on government finance statistics took place in Bishkek from October 23 to 27. The course was conducted by the Statistics Department of the IMF and sponsored by the Swiss Government (Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs - SECO) in the context of the “Central Asia Fiscal Transparency” project.

Training on government finance statistics © Swiss Embassy Bishkek, 2017

A well-balanced fiscal policy lays the ground for broad-based economic growth. In view of strengthening the capacities of the Kyrgyz authorities in formulating and implementing  effective macroeconomic policies, in capturing and assessing fiscal risks and in promoting fiscal transparency, this five-day training, tailored to the needs of the Kyrgyz Republic, was organized for representatives of Government agencies directly involved in the compilation of fiscal statistics.

The first workshop on this topic, in which six Kyrgyz officials participated, took place in November 2016 in Baku. Following this event, the IMF undertook a series of in-depth consultations with the Kyrgyz authorities in May this year, in order to further enhance the fiscal data compilation and to define the next steps to be taken to continue improving fiscal transparency.

Mrs. Ivana Jablonská, the project manager from the Statistics Department of the IMF congratulated the Kyrgyz authorities on the significant progress they have made in recent years in improving the coverage, timeliness and consistency of fiscal statistics. She highly appreciated the commitment of the Kyrgyz compilers and stressed the importance of inter-agency co-operation in the compilation of various data subsets of macroeconomic statistics.

The officials of the Ministry of Finance, National Statistical Committee, National Bank and the Social Fund demonstrated keen interest in learning the conceptual framework of the international standards and best compilation practices. The appropriate combination of lectures and case studies helped them to apply the newly acquired theoretical knowledge on practical exercises adapted to the Kyrgyz reality. The work on case studies provided a good opportunity to understand the practical application of fiscal statistics for the national policy making and cross-country comparisons.