Jogorku Kenesh of the KR, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and UNDP intend to work together to strengthen parliamentary democracy in the Kyrgyz Republic

Local news, 03.07.2017

On June 30, 2017, Deputy Speaker of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic Altynai Omurbekova, Ambassador of Switzerland to the Kyrgyz Republic René Holenstein and Acting Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Aliona Niculita signed a memorandum of understanding to support the consolidation of a strong and inclusive parliamentary democracy in the Kyrgyz Republic. The signing ceremony took place in Jogorku Kenesh with participation of members of parliament, management of the apparatus of Jogorku Kenesh as well as representatives from international donor community.

Signing of Memorandum of Understanding

The memorandum of understanding foresees cooperation and commitment to promote the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda and its goal 16 aiming at the creation of peaceful, just and strong institutions, to support the implementation of the Strategy of Development of the Jogorku Kenesh in line with the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic.  

“Switzerland's rich experience with democratic governance can serve as a basis for exchange and collaboration between our two countries. I am very glad to announce that Switzerland has responded favorably to the request of the Kyrgyz Parliament to assist in strengthening parliamentary democracy and improving citizens’ engagement in decision-making processes,” – said Ambassador Holenstein.

With financial support of Switzerland, UNDP will implement a ten-year prospective project “Strong and Inclusive Parliamentary Democracy”, primarily aimed at further enhancing parliamentary democracy in the Kyrgyz Republic by making it more inclusive, accountable and responsive to the needs of the citizens. The first phase of the project foresees close collaboration and expert support to the activities of three parliamentary committees, namely the committee on constitutional legislation, state structure and judicial legal affairs, the committee on social affairs, education, science, culture and healthcare as well as the committee on finance and budget.

In addition, the project will work actively on enhancing capacity of Public Councils and will launch a special Civic Action Fund to provide citizens with an opportunity to participate in the decision- and policy-making process, ensure effective monitoring and influencing the performance of parliamentary and state accountability institutions. This will allow citizens to hold the Parliament and government accountable and benefit from a more accessible, effective and responsive government.

Contact information:

Aigul Baiburaeva, UNDP Policy Advisor, tel.: 0312 394140 (ext. 152), email:

Elena Zakirova, Program Officer of the Embassy of Switzerland, tel. 0312 301036, email:




The Government of Switzerland provides assistance for the development of the Kyrgyz Republic and supports projects in areas such as health, private sector development, public sector reform, and infrastructure.

Local news, 10.03.2017

In March 2017, the project “Voice and Accountability: Citizens’ Participation in Budgetary Processes” funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by the Development Policy Institute will be launched in Naryn and Osh oblasts of Kyrgyzstan.

The project will provide local self-governments and local communities of Naryn and Osh oblasts with new opportunities for capacity development. It will improve citizens’ engagement in budgetary processes at the local level and promote enabling environments for building dialogue between citizens and local self-governments.   

The events will be attended by representatives of the Government’s Office of the Kyrgyz Republic, the State Agency for Local Self-Governments and Interethnic Relations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, representatives of the Government in Naryn and Osh oblasts, the Embassy of Switzerland, representatives of the rayon state administrations, as well as heads of all municipalities of Naryn and Osh oblasts.

“Switzerland has been providing long-term support to Kyrgyzstan in improving local self-governance and service delivery at the municipal level in various oblasts across the country already for a number of years. I am convinced that the project will now also contribute to more transparent budgetary processes and better services for citizens in the villages of Naryn and Osh oblasts”, said Lucien Aegerter, representative of the Embassy of Switzerland.

The project includes the provision of competitive grant support to address priority issues of local communities. This project was previously successfully implemented in Jalal-Abad and Issyk-Kul oblasts from 2012 to 2015, and is currently ongoing in Chui oblast.