The State Registration Service’s new Capacity Development Centre has opened

Local news, 14.06.2018

14 June 2018, Bishkek – Today the State Registration Service with the support of the UNDP, the Government of Switzerland and OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek opened the training centre with the aim to capacitate the staff of the SRS and CEC in preparations of elections in the Kyrgyz Republic. The Centre will become a platform for professional growth of the staff involved in the election and updating their skills and knowledge on digital innovations.

The State Registration Service’s new Capacity Development Centre © Swiss Embassy in Bishkek, 2018

Chairperson Shaikova stressed the high importance of the Centre: “During the electoral cycle between 2015 to 2017 about 13,000 SRS/CEC experts have been trained on a smooth organization of elections, use of ICT equipment, appropriate delivery of information, effective electoral disputes resolution mechanisms for successful election campaigns. Therefore, the need for having such training centre is still urgent, as skills and knowledge should be updated regularly to be in shorthand with new technologies and innovations”.

Citizens want transparent, effective and accountable governments, with institutions that empower people and are responsive to their aspirations. The SRS, with the support of the UNDP, the Government of Switzerland and the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, has addressed this need by introducing these novelty technologies, which demanded a new set of knowledge and skills of SRS staff. Eventually, this cooperative work has led to an opening of the Capacity Development Centre.

“Knowledge and innovation are inseparable from each other - they drive societies and economies around the world. I believe this Capacity Development Centre will become a knowledge hub for the SRS staff, who is working towards building strong institutions and democratic society in the Kyrgyz Republic. UNDP promotes innovation, capacity development, and empowerment through sustainable approaches which we can share with our partners to bring the technologies and innovations for the benefit of people”, said Dr. Ozonnia Ojielo, UN Resident Coordinator/ UNDP Resident Representative in the Kyrgyz Republic.

“Change is the driver of progress and today the SRS demonstrates that change is already taking place in the public services industry in Kyrgyzstan, and the OSCE is proud to be a part of it,” said Ambassador Chiveri, Deputy Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek. Indeed, the Centre will play a significant role in maintaining and upgrading the SRS’s knowledge for improving the provision of public services and heightening inter-organizational communication.

The SRS Capacity Development Centre was an important part of the Kyrgyz Election Support Project 2 (KESP2), which was implemented by UNDP and financed by the Governments of Switzerland and Denmark. The project aimed to support the SRS and CEC in organising free, competitive, and peaceful elections throughout the Kyrgyz Republic. To achieve this goal, the SRS and CEC officials need to be well trained and to have access to modern and safe technology.

Local news, 15.02.2018

On February 14, 2018 the Ministry of Economy invited representatives of relevant state bodies, expert community and international organizations to discuss specific measures for the optimization of services provided at the local level.

The discussion was based on a draft "Plan of measures for optimization of the system of municipal services provided at the local level for 2018-2023". The elaboration of this plan was supported by the "Public Service Improvement" project, which is financed by the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and implemented by the Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation and the Development Policy Institute.

In recent years various efforts have been made to optimize the system of public service provision in terms of legislative and regulatory improvements, however the area of municipal service provision has been lagging behind.  The implementation of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On State and Municipal Services" has revealed some issues making it necessary to revise the existing system of service provision at the local level. As it turns out, local self-governments are actually responsible for delivering different types of services that are not reflected in the existing legal framework.

“The elaboration of the Plan and its further implementation are an important step toward improving the quality and accessibility of services provided to people at the local level” – said Danielle Meuwly Monteleone, Deputy head of the Embassy of Switzerland in the Kyrgyz Republic.

After receiving feedback from various stakeholders, the Plan will be submitted to the Interagency Commission under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic for optimization of the system of state and municipal service provision for further actions for its implementation.