NGO Fund Latvia

Project completed
Elderly people present their work
Elderly people participate in free creative arts courses, finding social contact in the process. © SDC/SECO SDC

The NGO Fund aims at improving the life of children, young and elderly people. Therefore, the Fund offers small grants to NGOs working with these target groups. Thus, for example children and young people with special needs are supported, while elderly people profit from activities in areas such as culture, education or health.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Strengthening civil society
Non-governmental organisations
01.01.2010 - 31.12.2013
CHF  3’500’000

Note: the texts under all the headings, with the exception of 'Results achieved', describe the situation before the start of the project.


After Latvia's accession to the EU, foreign support for NGOs has been significally reduced – but needs especially in the social sector are still immense. Analysing funding possibilities for Latvian NGOs and the relevant national / EU strategies, two target groups were identified for the Swiss NGO Fund:
Children/youth and elderly people. Children and young people still have limited opportunities to spend their leisure time valuably. Violence among children, at home and at school is an important problem. Elderly people are subject of a high risk of poverty with difficulties to pay for housing, health-care and transport or to participate in leisure time activities.


The NGO fund aims at increasing the life quality of children, young people and elderly people. Therefore, the fund supports NGOs working in the benefit of these groups. Partnerships with public / municipal institutions and with Swiss NGOs contribute to reach the goal.

Target groups

Latvian NGOs (working in the social sector for the benefit of the mentioned groups)


The Society Integration Foundation (SIF) administers the Fund, organizing one open call for the sub-project implementers. SIF is responsible for the granting mechanism and the monitoring of the NGO projects. External financial audits are done for the NGO fund after two years and at the end of its implementation.


Achieved results:  

  • 62 NGO projects were implemented; 49 in partnerships. 18 Swiss - Latvian partnerships established; at least 1000 persons benefitted
  • Financial support to NGOs working with children, youth and retired persons has been provided, with 416 beneficiaries from disabled groups
  • Role of civil society in social sector activities is increased
  • Cooperation between NGOs and public/ municipal institutions is fostered

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Swiss Contribution to the enlarged EU
Project partners Contract partner
Foreign state institution
  • National State Institute North

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    3’500’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    3’332’503
Project phases

Phase 1 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2013   (Completed)