Projects in Lithuania

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Project completed

The health of mothers and children

A newborn under a fluorescent lamp

01.11.2011 - 14.06.2017

Switzerland is supporting the continuing training of medical personnel and the modernisation of antiquated hospital infrastructures in 27 Lithuanian hospitals, and increasing energy efficiency in at least 24 of them. These measures will greatly improve overall conditions for women in childbirth and for their newborn babies.

Project completed
Project completed

Swiss-Lithuanian Research Programme

01.08.2010 - 31.05.2017

Switzerland strengthens with this programme the Lithuanian research sector – and thus as well Lithuania's competitiveness. This will be reached with joint Lithuanian – Swiss research projects and mutually organized scientific conferences and seminars in the thematic fields of natural, environmental, health and life sciences. 

Project completed

NGO Fund Lithuania

A man holds a crate of food in front of a van displaying the “Schweizer Tafel” and Coop logos.

01.01.2010 - 31.12.2014

The overall goal is to promote civil society's contribution to economic and social cohesion as an important actor of development and to contribute to further development of the NGO sector in Lithuania. The project empowers  in decision-making especially when it comes to socially disadvantaged groups.

Project completed

Scientific Exchange Programme (Sciex) Lithuania

01.04.2009 - 31.12.2016

The Scientific Exchange Programme between the New Member States and Switzerland, for short, has given over 500 young researchers from new EU member states the opportunity to complete a short-term residency in Switzerland to further their research.

Project completed

Technical Assistance Fund

01.02.2009 - 13.06.2017

The bilateral Framework Agreement foresees the possibility of utilizing a maximum of 1.5% of the total allocation to cover certain management costs in the beneficiary country. The technical assistance will support the submission of quality projects, transparent processes, and a good visibility of the Swiss Contribution in Lithuania.

Project completed

Heat insulation and energy-efficient equipment in public hospitals

Construction work in Taurage

21.12.2011 - 30.04.2017

Switzerland is supporting the improvement of energy efficiency in 24 Lithuanian maternity wards. Thanks to improved building insulation, women in childbirth and their newborn babies enjoy better conditions, hospital operating costs are reduced and environmental protection is promoted.

Project completed

Project Preparation Facility (PPF)

29.12.2008 - 14.04.2012

The Swiss Contribution aims at financing a broad variety of projects. The PPF provided the necessary financial assistance to enable Executing Agencies to submit high quality project proposals. This was especially important in the case of complex projects.

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