Somalia Information and Resilience Building Action (SIRA)

Project completed

The Somali population has remained chronically food insecure over the years with acute emergency needs during the cyclic drought periods. Switzerland contributes, through its support to enhanced fodder production and income, to the longer-term resilience building of the Somali communities. By supporting the provision of information and data for decision making, the formulation of evidence-based policy making and the use of the data for increased protection and resilience will enhanced.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Agriculture & food security
Agricultural services & market
Agricultural development
Agricultural co-operatives & farmers’ organisations
10.12.2018 - 30.11.2022
CHF  6’880’000
Background Frequent droughts, other natural disasters and conflicts have left Somali populations chronically food insecure and with frequent large scale humanitarian crisis. The recurrent shocks have severe impacts on the livestock sector that supports over 60% of the population in Somalia. The sector provides food, employment and incomes and contributes 40% of the GDP. In Awdal region of Somaliland, women however earn less than half compared to men, have less access to resources and less decision making powers. The limited institutional capacities, weak early warning, and inadequate productive capacity of communities have further led to continual disruption of livelihoods, increased vulnerability and poverty. Fodder is a key resource for Somali communities and their livestock, both in regards to livestock productivity, income and prevention of emergencies during drought periods. Information on food security, water and land is essential for appropriate action by governments and communities and thus for preventing of humanitarian crises.
Objectives Resilience for agro-pastoral households improved through increased income from improved fodder value chains and Somalia households’ resilience to future shocks improved.
Target groups
  • The project component in Awdal region of Somaliland on fodder value chain interventions will directly benefit 45’000 individuals (7500 households) – who are mainly agropastoralists, and estimated 50% women population.
  • Early warning and early action information provided through FSNAU and SWALIM, will mainly benefit the Somalia Government institutions, other national institutions, the larger Somali public and development partners, who can better plan and regulate drought emergencies and inform community resilience building
Medium-term outcomes

Outcome 1: Household incomes in target communities in Awdal region are enhanced from the sale of fodder. 

Outcome 2: Risks to peoples’ lives and livelihoods are reduced through provision of information for action (FSNAU & SWALIM).



Expected results:  

  • Fodder Production and productivity in Awdal region is enhanced.
  • Fodder producers and traders improve their access to fodder markets.
  • Institutional capacity is supported & regulatory framework for fodder production & marketing is in place.
  • Technical and organizational capacity of Somali institutions supported at federal and state level to conduct food, nutrition and livelihood security assessment and analysis for policy and programme decision-making.
  • Timely information on climate, livelihoods, food security and nutrition collected, processed and results made available to the target community for early warning and early action.

Results from previous phases:  

  • Baseline assessment showed poor food consumption score for majority of households (39.5%) with poor dietary diversity (80%) but with average coping mechanism.
  • Community consultations in Awdal region for possible interventions in the livestock sector value chain identified fodder as a key priority and a gap in the market systems.
  • Gender analysis in Awdal region of Somaliland confirmed gender inequalities; women earn less than half compared to the men in the same villages, have less access to resources and have less decision making powers.
  • Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit (FSNAU) and Somalia Water and Land Information Management (SWALIM) analysis helped in the development of the 2019 UN Drought Response Plan (DRP). Early Warning-Early Action database and dashboard continuously updated.
  • 100 Somali nationals from different ministries, academic institutions and private sector in water and land related subjects including GIS, climate data collection and soil testing kit (SWALIM).

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
Private sector
United Nations Organization (UNO)
  • Food and Agricultural Organisation
  • Foreign private sector South/East

Coordination with other projects and actors FAO Programmes in Somaliland (USAID Food for Peace, DFID, ECHO and USAID funded animal health services project, WFP, UNICEF and FAO Joint Resilience Action (JRA), Netherlands funded fodder development project in Sool and Sanag regions of Somaliland, SDC funded resilience programmes SomReP and cross-border resilience IGAD/FAO Partnership Programme. ICRC and Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF) through humanitarian emergency response.
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    6’880’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    6’820’425
Project phases Phase 2 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2025   (Current phase)

Phase 1 10.12.2018 - 30.11.2022   (Completed)