Civil Registry System Reform in Tajikistan

Project completed

This project aims to assist the Ministry of Justice in its efforts to develop an efficient and effective civil registry System accessible and affordable for the population, including vulnerable and those living in remote areas. The current system faces challenges related to high bureaucracy, low professional capacities, lack of cooperation amongst local authorities, outdated paper registration system, which are significantly diminishing its capacities to provide quality services to the population and vital statistics for the State planning.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Employment & economic development
Human rights
Rule of Law - Democracy - Human rights
Legal and judicial development
Data and statistics
Human rights (incl. Women's rights)
01.12.2015 - 31.12.2019
CHF  4’000’000

A performing civil registry system is essential for the protection of the population rights related to education, participation in elections, healthcare and other guaranteed social benefits. The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) adopted a new State Program on the development of the civil registry for 2014 - 2019 that requires strong support in implementation. The reform will also improve the State's ability to use Statistical information in its own planning processes. This Program includes elements such as the legislative revision towards a simplification of the System, development of staff capacities and the introduction of reliable (possibly electronic) civil registration and archiving system.


Women's, men's and children's human rights (civil, social, political and economic) are better protected through the strengthened provision of civil registration services and increased public access to the system.

Target groups

The project target group will constitute of the civil registry officers and Jamoat (municipalities) workers responsible for the civil registration activities. They will enhance their capacities and enjoy of a better legal and institutional framework to exécute their functions in the most efficient manner to provide qualitative, transparent, standardized and simplified services to the population. The end beneficiaries of the project are the over 8 million population of Tajikistan benefiting from the improved system and services.

Medium-term outcomes
  • The reformed civil registry system of Tajikistan is effectively managed and provides quality and affordable services to the population and qualitative vital Statistical data for the State
  • The population of Tajikistan knows how to and timely have their vital events recorded in the civil registry system
Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Swiss cooperation with Eastern Europe
Project partners Contract partner
United Nations Organization (UNO)
  • United Nations Development Programme

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    4’000’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    4’090’581
Project phases Phase 2 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2024   (Current phase)

Phase 1 01.12.2015 - 31.12.2019   (Completed)