Energy Efficiency Vinnitsa, Ukraine

Projet terminé

The project aims at improving the municipal infrastructure and its energy efficiency. To do so, the district heating network will be rehabilitated, capacity will be built and the awareness about energy efficiency and renewable energy will be raised. The project supports Vinnitsa on its way to becoming an energy-efficient city.

Pays/région Période Budget
22.06.2011 - 30.06.2023
CHF  20’610’000

Ukraine’s economy remains one of the most energy-intensive in the region, with energy consumption per GDP being 3.2 times higher than the OECD average. The municipal sector contributes substantially to this high energy-intensity with worn-out district heating (DH) system networks and/ or unmetered heat supply. Ukraine faces challenges in maintaining the reliability and quality of supply, due to delays in the energy sector reform, the difficult financial condition of public utilities, lack of investments, and deferred maintenance to aging infrastructure.


The objective of the project is to improve the municipal infrastructure in Vinnitsa and its energy management, to introduce renewable energy sources, build capacity and raise awareness about energy efficiency and renewable energy, in order to increase living standards, promote economic development and provide a response to climate change. The project is articulated around three components. The first component supports the city of Vinnitsa with the implementation of the European Energy Award (EEA). The concept of energy cities originated in Switzerland and the Swiss label "Energiestadt" is at the origin of the European equivalent EEA. The second component consists of targeted infrastructure investments in the district heating network. The third component strenghtens the public utility and the energy department of the municipality.

Effets à moyen terme

For the first component: (1) Sustainable energy policy and urban development are achieved in Vinnitsa through the rational use of energy and increased use of renewable energies.

For the second component: (2) The reliability of heat and warm water supply in selected districts is improved, (3) the living standards and comfort level of the end consumers are increased, (4) the energy efficiency of the district heating company is improved and (5) GHG emissions are reduced.

For the third component: (6) The operational management of the district heating company is improved and (7) the responsible departments of the municipality are better informed about energy management.


Principaux résultats attendus:  

For the first component: (1) The city of Vinnitsa has reached the EEA award.

For the second component: (2) The district heating network is rehabilitated by the replacement of about 36 km of pipes and the installation of 324 individual heat substations (IHS) in three districts. Six gas fired boilers are rehabilitated or replaced. Three wood fired boilers with a total capacity of 9.3 MW are installed and operational.

These measures contribute to a more energy efficient district heating network and less gas consumption.

For the third component: (4) The planning, operational and maintenance practices of the district heating company are improved.

Principaux résultats antérieurs:  

The project is in its first and expectedly final phase. The current achievements are listed below.

Vinnitsa was awarded the European Energy Award in June 2015.

Until December 2015, 18’468 meters of pipes have been replaced in Karl Marx and Bazhenova districts, along with the installation of 151 individual heat substations (IHS), increasing the efficiency of the district heating system to 86.4% and 87.9% respectively. In Bazhenova district, three gas-fired boilers with a combined capacity of 18 MW have been rehabilitated and a wood-fired boiler station of 6 MW is under construction. A project extension to Tarnogrodskogo district was approved to use substantial project savings.

The utility, Vinnitsa MiskTeploEnergo (MTE) has improved strategic and operational planning processes as well as maintenance practices. Additional project financing from NEFCO and World Bank has been secured.

Direction/office fédéral responsable SECO
Crédit Coopération au développement
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    20’610’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    0 Budget y compris partenaires de projet CHF    27’154’000
Phases du projet Phase 3 01.12.2019 - 30.04.2025   (Phase en cours) Phase 2 11.09.2014 - 31.12.2023   (Completed)

Phase 1 22.06.2011 - 30.06.2023   (Completed)