Guidelines concerning the settlement of costs for personnel from SDC contractors or belonging to Swiss development cooperation organizations (NGOs):
- The fees for the course itself are borne by the SDC.
- For courses lasting several days without overnight accommodations, a daily flat-rate for the costs (infrastructure, meals) is taken over to the charge of the SDC.
- For courses lasting several days with overnight accommodations, the overall costs for attending the seminar (accommodations, infrastructure, meals) are charged to the account of the participant or that of the sponsoring organization.
- The travel costs are assumed by the participant or by the organization sponsoring him/her.
- The costs for incidentals while attending the course, i.e., telephone conversations, beverages and refreshments outside of those officially provided, alcoholic drinks, complementary services such as fitness room, etc., are not born by the SDC.
- Any eventual penalty costs that may be charged in connection with infrastructure, overnight accommodations, meals, etc. further to the cancellation of a registration once the registration deadline has expired, can be subject to being invoiced.