Democratic Governance

The goal is to improve services that include all social groups by advancing decentralization and strengthening local democracy. Decentralization is high on the country’s agenda and received a new impetus in 2014 with the Territorial and Administrative Reform. Local government units face new responsibilities and need competencies and skills. At the same time they need to federate and exchange best experiences. Increased efforts are required to fight corruption, improve services for citizens, and include vulnerable groups and communities such as the Roma.

Switzerland encourages the dialogue on decentralization and local governance, links national and local levels of government, and improves communication between them. Local government units are endowed with the relevant skills and competencies. Emphasis is also placed on public financial management towards increased transparency of government units with the participation of communities and the civil society.

Medical personnel caring for newborns in a neonatal ward in Lithuania
SDC/Jolanta Normantienè

Poverty means more than having no income, food and education. Unfortunately, the majority of the poorest is also characterized by fear and helplessness, lack of security and rights, discrimination and arbitrary government. So efforts to promote rule of law, human rights and justice are crucial for sustainable poverty reduction and guaranteeing development.

The SDC's worldwide engagement

Document showing a household’s budget

This contributes to good governance and transparency in managing public resources as well as stability in the fiscal policy environment (monetary policy, public finances, banking system).

The SECO’s worldwide engagement