Where can I find the Swiss Embassy?
The Swiss Embassy is located at Iassiou 2 in Kolonaki, Athens, between Evangelismos and Nimits Hospital, opposite the Moni Petraki Church.
What are the opening hours of the Regional Consular Centre (RCC)?
The RCC is open between 10-12am, from Monday to Friday. However, we can be reached by phone between 9am-3:30pm, from Monday to Thursday, and between 9am – 1:00pm on Friday.
I have documents that need an official translation. Does the Embassy provide a translation service?
The Embassy has a translation service only for internal communication. For all official translations, please contact the Translation Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic.
I need a Swiss document to be certified with the apostille of the Hague Convention. Can this be done by the Embassy
Only the State Chancellery of the canton in which the document was issued can make the certification with the apostille. You can find the address list of the cantonal authorities online. To find authorities in Greece who can certify Greek documents click here.
I am a Swiss citizen and my contact details have changed. Who do I need to inform?
Swiss citizens can register, deregister and change their contact details (phone, email, address) online.