Funding for small projects

The application deadline has officially closed, and we are no longer accepting any further applications. We appreciate your interest. 

Field visit by the Ambassador
Field visit by the Ambassador © Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia

The Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia provides financial support to selected small-scale initiatives, which will be implemented in 2025 in Indonesia and Timor-Leste. 

Grant sum: IDR 371’000’000
Project duration: up to 8 months
Eligible partners: all non-profit civil society organizations in Indonesia or Timor-Leste

Goals and objectives

  • Only projects benefitting rural communities in the following regions will be considered: Nusa Tenggara Timur, Maluku, Sulawesi, and Timor-Leste (all provinces).
  • The successful organizations shall put forward activities aimed at enhancing essential services at the village or neighborhood level, such as (but not limited to) facilitating financial inclusion, empowering farmers and smallholders through capacity building, access to pre-school and grammar school education, access to basic health services, access to decent employment.
  • The successful organizations shall target disadvantaged, vulnerable and/or marginalized groups, such as (but not limited to) minorities, people with disabilities, single parents, women and children living in extreme poverty.

Only shortlisted organizations will be contacted for an interview.


  • The call is open to any non-profit civil society organization in Indonesia and Timor-Leste aligning with the thematic and geographic focus areas mentioned above.
  • Please note that the following projects cannot be supported:
    • International organizations and government institutions
    • Profit-oriented organizations (e.g., SMEs).
    • Profit-oriented activities (e.g., fundraising).
    • Projects with religious purposes (organizations with a religious background are still eligible to apply).
    • Projects solely consisting of material supply (e.g., office appliances, vehicles, or building material).
    • Projects benefiting selected individuals, scholarships or study visits to Switzerland or third countries, advisory missions of foreign experts, as well as simple collections, donations, and sponsorships by individuals.
    • The same organization cannot be repeatedly supported.


Call launch    19 August 2024
Application Deadline    8 September 2024
Decision    Mid-December 2024
Funding decision and signature of contracts    January/February 2025
Earliest Project Start    Mid-January 2025
Latest Project Start    Early February 2025
Latest Project End    31 October 2025
Final Reports Submission    30 November 2025
Final Reports Review    Mid-December 2025
Final Disbursement    Mid-December 2025

Application Process

The application must be submitted online with the following attachments:

  • Completed budget proposal (mandatory)
  • Scanned copy of registration (mandatory)
  • Latest annual report (optional)
  • Audit reports (optional)
  • The Embassy might request additional documentation.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.