Domain objective: Women and men have increased socio-economic opportunities through inclusive market and technical vocational training (TVET) systems that are responsive to market demands.
Swiss portfolio outcomes
- Women and men, especially from disadvantaged backgrounds and conflict-affected areas, have increased employment and self-employment opportunities through competitive skills and inclusive market access.
- Key Myanmar public institutions and private sector actors that define the supply and demand of TVET and market systems are more responsive to local, national and regional markets for labour, services and commodities.
Outcome 1 leads to increased incomes from employment and self-employment and improved access to TVET and skills development, especially for vulnerable segments of the population. Outcome 2 focuses on institutions and systems, engaging and strengthening national and local government institutions as well as furthering a responsible private sector, including actors from areas not under direct government control. SECO complementary initiatives, such as the UN Trade Cluster project, the support for intellectual property rights as well as the support for entrepreneurship and labour standards are aligned to the domain objective.