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All news (82)

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Swiss Innovation Prize Competition 2024

15.05.2024 — Local news Philippines
The Swiss Innovation Prize Competition is an initiative aimed at fostering innovation and supporting the development of new ideas that have the potential to drive economic growth and improve society. 

Swiss Innovation Prize Competition 2023

31.07.2023 — Press releases Philippines
The Swiss Innovation Prize Competition is an initiative aimed at fostering innovation and supporting the development of new ideas that have the potential to drive economic growth and improve society. 

Job Opening – Akademische/r Praktikant/in

17.03.2023 — Press releases Philippines
Die Schweizerische Botschaft auf den Philippinen stellt ein / L’Ambassade de Suisse aux Philippines recrute / L’Ambasciata di Svizzera nelle Filippine sta assumendo

List of Sponsors for 2022

30.12.2022 — Position Philippines
As part of the FDFA Guidelines on Partnering with Sponsors,  the Embassy has published its list of partners for 2022.

List of Sponsors for 2021

13.12.2021 — Position Philippines
As part of the FDFA Guidelines on Partnering with Sponsors,  the Embassy has published its list of partners for 2021.

Object 1 – 12 of 82

Media (41)

Other news (41)