Rural Resilience in Southern Africa / R4 Initiative
- 30.06.2025
The R4 Rural Resilience Initiative for Southern Africa enables smallholder farmers’ adaptation to climate risk through improved resource management, insurance, livelihoods diversification, microcredit and savings. Through R4, Switzerland has become a credible and trusted partner in resilience building and its learnings have fed into policy dialogue. The emphasis of this final phase is on strengthening government and private sector, as well as the gender approach.
O3+ Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future
- 14.09.2025
This project uses targeted interventions in post-secondary educational institutions in Zambia and Zimbabwe to improve access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) among 18-24 year-olds. Working with UNESCO and Ministries of Higher and Tertiary Education, the project brings Switzerland’s lengthy experience in the HIV/SRHR field to bear by targeting an often neglected cohort of young people with tailored interventions to reduce HIV infections, unintended pregnancies, and gender-based violence.
Public Financial Managment South Africa, Capacity Development Program, Phase II
- 31.12.2029
Public Financial Managment South Africa, Capacity Development Program, Phase II
Global Eco-Industrial Parks Program, Phase II
- 31.12.2028
Industry accounts for a significant portion of global emissions, and has wide-reaching environmental and community impacts. The transformation of Industrial Parks (IPs) to Eco-Industrial Parks (EIPs) can make a significant contribution to Resource Efficient Cleaner Production, avoidance of waste and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Service Delivery Improvements (SEDI) to South Africa Phase II
- 31.12.2027
Basic service delivery to the residents of South Africa's informal settlements is limited. The project contributes to improved service delivery by identifying weaknesses in the public financial management system, raising awareness, empowering communities to engage with government, and enabling a platform for reform.
Inclusive Payments Digitalisation Program South Africa
- 31.12.2027
The proposed program aims at improving South Africa’s payments system by implementing five practical projects in providing digital solutions for SMEs and the poor. It will do so in the areas of digitizing payments in townships, in the informal services sector, cross-border remittances, cross-border trade and financial inclusion data collection.
IFC Sustainable Cities, Phase II
- 30.06.2027
This is the second phase of SECO’s successful partnership with IFC to promote Private Sector Engagement in infrastructure. It incorporates a series of learnings from the previous phase, e.g. extending instruments with the aim to increase mobilization of commercial financing or including public-private partnership (PPP) advisory in all regions.
Nature Finance 2.0
- 31.12.2026
The Nature Finance 2.0 project aims to enhance commercial banks and regulators' capacity to manage natural capital risks and opportunities. These institutions in turn set the market conditions for the ‘real economy’ sectors that they finance or regulate, shifting incentives toward sustainability.
City Resilience Program, Phase II
- 31.12.2027
The City Resilience Program scales up the resilience of cities against adverse impacts of disasters and climate change. It does so by supporting risk-informed und multisector planning efforts, identify suitable interventions and investments that enhance the resilience of cities, and supports their bankability and access multiple financing sources.
Global Quality and Standards Programme (GQSP), Phase II
- 01.12.2027
The Global Quality and Standard Programme (GQSP) Phase II facilitates market access by improving capacities of SMEs to comply with quality and compliance requirements in destination markets.
Urban and Municipal Development Fund (UMDF) Phase II
- 31.12.2027
The UMDF is a key instrument of the African Development Bank (AfDB) to support integrated urban development in African countries. It has introduced a Cities Program and established itself in the fields of urban infrastructure project preparation, municipal finance and capacity building. Phase II is expected to scale-up UMDF operations to 35 cities.
Low Carbon, Climate Resilient Water and Waste Water Management in South Africa
- 31.12.2025
The Project aims to make South Africa’s water and wastewater sector more resilient to climate change. Dwindling water sources and a high incidence of drought are major factors of vulnerability. The project introduces adaptation and energy efficiency measures that respond to vulnerable groups’ development needs.