Past events (56)
Conference & exhibition: 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations Switzerland-Albania

Tuesday, 29.09.2020
Tuesday, 29.09.2020
The Embassy of Switzerland and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairst of Albania are hosting a conference and exhibition on the occassion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Albania.
Location: Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania
Mario Botta in Tirana

Saturday, 14.09.2019
Saturday, 14.09.2019
Famous Swiss architect Mario Botta will be delivering a speech as part of Tirana Design Week organised by Polis University. "A master of precision, no joint is in the wrong place” - this description by Siegbert Keller encapsulates his vision and work. Mr. Botta will be addressing the theme of 'Architecture & Memory'.
Location: Polis University
Launching of demographic and health survey
Wednesday, 12.12.2018
Wednesday, 12.12.2018
The latest Demographic and Health Survey was partly funded by the 'Health for All Project', an initiative of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, SDC. It will be launched by the Minister of Health, the Swiss Ambassador and UN representatives.
Location: Tirana International Hotel
Exhibition Opening: “The Wild Animal”
Thursday, 04.10.2018
Thursday, 04.10.2018
The Swiss Cultural Fund for Albania will open a new contemporary art exhibition as part of its support for emerging cultural actors.
Location: Bazament Art Space, Rr. Pjetër Bogdani 37, Tirana
Kick-off of new solid waste management project
Friday, 14.09.2018
Friday, 14.09.2018
The latest Swiss-funded project on solid waste management will have its first event on Friday, September 14th, at the Municipality of Berat.
Location: Municipality of Berat
VR (360º) Film premiere: a circus story
Monday, 18.06.2018
Monday, 18.06.2018
The Swiss Cultural Fund will screen one of its latest projects: a premiere of one of the first VR films produced in Albania.
Location: Cineplexx Cinema – Tirana East Gate, Tirana
6th International Public Health Conference, Albania, 2018
Tuesday, 08.05.2018
Tuesday, 08.05.2018
“Evidence and good practices on mental health services” is this year's theme for the 6th edition of the International Public Health conference.
Location: Tirana International Hotel
Local Democracy Week 2018 - a full week of activities in support of local democracy
Monday, 07.05.2018
Friday, 11.05.2018
The Swiss-funded 'LëvizAlbania' project is organising the Local Democracy Week 2018 to promote action that improvese democracy at local level
National Skills Fair 2018
Friday, 20.04.2018
Sunday, 22.04.2018
The Ministry of Finance and Economy is organising the third edition of the National Skills Fair, 2018, supported by the Swiss-funded projects that deal with vocational education and employment.
Location: Expocity, City Park, Tirana
Signing of agreement to conduct social science research with Municipality of Tirana
Tuesday, 17.04.2018
Tuesday, 17.04.2018
Meeting of members of government and members of other authorities
PERFORM - a project by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation that supports research in social sciences - will provide research in several topics selected by the Municipality of Tirana.
Location: Municipality of Tirana
Launching Switzerland's new cooperation strategy in Albania 2018-2021
Wednesday, 07.03.2018
Wednesday, 07.03.2018
Event accessible to journalists
Every four years the Swiss cooperation in Albania publishes its four year strategy that encapsulates the main directions of Swiss development cooperation efforts in the country. This year the launching will take place at the Rogner Hotel with participation from government, municipalities, and other partners.
Location: Hotel Rogner Europapark, Tirana
Launching of the Swiss Cultural Fund

Wednesday, 15.11.2017
Wednesday, 15.11.2017
Event accessible to journalists
The Embassy of Switzerland is launching the Swiss Cultural Fund to promote emerging artists and cultural groups
Location: Youth Centre, Rruga e Kavajës, Tirana
Start of page
Last update 19.12.2018