Fostering civic engagement in Albania

Progetto concluso
Civil gathering in Albania
A civil gathering in Albania. ©FDFA FDFA

Civic engagement in Albania is low. The relationship between citizens and local authorities is still not based on accountability, transparency and participation. Corruption is pervasive while checks and balances are weak and under utilised.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Diritti umani
Organizzazioni contro la corruzione
Gestione delle finanze pubbliche
Diritti dell'uomo (diritti delle donne inclusi)
15.10.2013 - 30.06.2019
CHF  6’900’000

To this end, the LëvizAlbania Project aims to enhance local democracy by activating drivers of change such as media, civil society and citizen groups. Civic engagement and demand for accountability develop through a bottom-up and genuine process. LëvizAlbania enables civil society actors - including marginalised citizens - to have a voice, to exercise control over and engage in dialogue with local authorities thereby increasing the latter’s responsiveness and accountability.


Albanian population benefits from an improved democracy at local level.

Gruppi target

Local communities


Civil organisations 

Effetti a medio termine

  1. Increase the influence of civil actors in local priority setting, decision making, and oversight of local authorities
  2. Establish mechanisms and factors that foster local democracy



Risultati fasi precedenti:  

















Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Credito Cooperazione con l'Europa dell'Est
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
ONG internazionale o straniera

Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    6’900’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    6’762’902
Fasi del progetto Fase 2 01.07.2019 - 30.09.2023   (Completed)

Fase 1 15.10.2013 - 30.06.2019   (Completed)