Switzerland is represented at this year's festival by DA MOTUS! with the dance performance "souffle".
Winner of the Swiss Dance Awards 2015 as "an outstanding current dance work" of 2013-2015
Tuesday, 14 June 2016, 20.30h, Rialto Theatre, LIMASSOL
Thursday, 16 June 2016, 20.30h, Pallas Theatre, NICOSIA
Entrance €5 or €20 for all festival performances. Free admission for pupils, students, senior citizens & dance professionals.
Full programme and tickets from Rialto Theatre, tel 77 77 77 45
The festival is organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Cyprus and the Rialto Theatre in collaboration with the Embassies and cultural centres of the participating countries.
19th Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival - programme (PDF, 2 Pages, 1.5 MB)