Past events (231)
Scientific Exchange Workshop on Vulnerability, Risks and Hazards & Adaptation: Indian Himalayan Region
Thursday, 02.07.2015
Friday, 03.07.2015
The workshop aims at knowledge sharing and exchange of ideas and experiences among stakeholders related to vulnerability, hazards and risk assessment in the Himalayas and prioritizing adaptation actions. It will act as tool to develop a common and shared idea of the demands and needs in the field of climate change adaptation in Hindu Kush Himalaya region. Further, it is envisaged that the workshop will facilitate and lead to the development and planning of collaborative research activities and assessments.
Location: New Delhi
Swiss Vocational Education Training day
Friday, 05.06.2015
Friday, 05.06.2015
The Swiss VET Initiative India (SVETII) was launched as a pilot project on the occasion of the 60th anniversary celebrations of the Indo-Swiss bilateral friendship treaty in 2008. It started as a public-private initiative by the Swiss-Indian Chamber of Commerce and VET partners such as the Swiss Engineering, Electrical and Metalworking Industry Association (Swissmem), the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET), the Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology (OPET) and four Swiss companies in India. The initiative reflected a specific demand of Swiss companies in India for qualified workers as well as Switzerland’s interest in positioning its vocational education and training (VET) system internationally. It aimed at transferring elements which were identified as being of systemic relevance to the Swiss vocational education and training system to India. Considered as a success, the pilot project has by now been implemented by a dozen of enterprises. In order to scale up the project it is proposed to present the initiative to a wider audience of stakeholders and potential partners.
Location: New Delhi
Festival del Film Locarno 2014-Delhi 2015
Sunday, 29.03.2015
Monday, 30.03.2015
Inauguration on Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 7.30 pmIn a rare treat for movie buffs and audiences in Delhi, the Embassy of Switzerland in India, along with the Goethe Institute Max Mueller Bhavan, the Italian Cultural Institute and the Spanish Cultural Institute present a film festival featuring some of the best films from Locarno, Berlin, Rome and St. Sebastian. The package will consist of three long films and five short films from each festival. A section of the films will be shown at the end of March, and section will be shown in April. Time: daily between 6.30 pm and 10.00 pm
Location: Stein auditorium, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
Berlin. Locarno. Rome. Valladolid - Film festivals from Europe - Delhi
Saturday, 28.03.2015
Tuesday, 14.04.2015
In a rare treat to movie buffs and audiences, the Embassy of Switzerland in India, Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan, the Italian Embassy Cultural Institute and the Instituto Cervantes present for the first time a selection of films from Berlinale, Festival del Film Locarno, Rome Independent Film Festival (RIFF) and SEMINICI (Valladolid). Screenings in collaboration with the Habitat Film Club
Location: Stein Auditorium, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
Swiss films at Francophonie 2015, Mumbai
Monday, 23.03.2015
Saturday, 28.03.2015
Swiss films Recycling Lily by Pierre Monnard and Tableau Noir by Yves Yersin will be screened in Mumbai as part of Francophonie 2015. The event is open to public.
Location: Alliance Française de Bombay, Theosophy Hall, 40 New Marine Lines, Mumbai – 400 020
Open Buildings/Open Villages: Lecture by Dr. Alfredo Brillembourg
Tuesday, 17.03.2015
Tuesday, 17.03.2015
Location: Studio X, Kitab Mahal, 4th fl., 192 D.N. Road, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001
Swiss film at Francophonie 2015, Bengaluru
Monday, 16.03.2015
Wednesday, 18.03.2015
“La semaine de la Francophonie”, week of the French language, claims its place at the heart of the cultural diversity. Switzerland’s participation will be in the form of screening of internationally acclaimed movie Tableau Noir.
Location: Alliance Francaise, Bengaluru
Solar Impulse-an idea born in Switzerland to arrive in India
Monday, 02.03.2015
Saturday, 07.03.2015
Public event
Swiss aviation pioneers Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg are working towards their 2015 goal of becoming the first human beings to fly around the world in a solar-powered aircraft (HB-SIB). They intend to use this unique adventure to show that with a clear vision we can go beyond what is currently possible, and to campaign for a more sustainable use of resources. This approach is in line with Switzerland's commitment to using increasingly clean energy, which is why the Confederation has supported the project since it began.
Location: Ahmedabad, Varanasi
India Art Fair after-party
Friday, 30.01.2015
Friday, 30.01.2015
On the occasion of the India Art Fair, the Ambassador of Switzerland to Indian and Bhutan, Dr. Linus von Castelmur, and his spouse, Madame Françoise Gardies, are hosting a late-night party at the Swiss Residence
Location: Embassy of Switzerland, New Delhi
Swiss films at Pune international film festival
Thursday, 08.01.2015
Thursday, 15.01.2015
Switzerland will participate at the Pune International Film Festival, which opens on 8th January 2015. This year the Swiss focus will be on four women directors who have looked at different aspects of human relationships and life.
Location: Pune
Swiss artists at Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2014 (In partnership with Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council)
Friday, 12.12.2014
Sunday, 29.03.2015
Location: Kochi
Swiss Ambassador’s Award 2014 for inspirational and socially responsible leadership
Wednesday, 03.12.2014
Wednesday, 03.12.2014
Mr. Azim Premji receives the Swiss Ambassador’s Award 2014
Location: Mumbai
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Last update 29.11.2023