Green Agenda in Serbia: Get Started, Take Action and Scale Up

With this project SDC contributes to efficient, inclusive and sustainable implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, envisaged by the EU Green Deal. It will improve policy and base-conditions for its more efficient rolling-out and support pilot projects for future scaling-up. This contribution to UNDP will tackle these challenges with the aim to increase national and subnational government capacities, provide financial support for local public and private actions, and help Serbia reach its climate targets.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Climate change and environment
Environmental policy
Renewable energy generation
01.01.2022 - 30.06.2026
CHF  4’415’000
Background Considering Serbia’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and its aspiration to join the EU, the implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, envisaged by the EU Green Deal, along its 5 pillars: decarbonisation, depollution, circular economy, biodiversity and sustainable food systems, is an important factor for reaching these goals. High air pollution, to the greatest extent a consequence of the use of fossil fuels, is a pressing issue. Serbia has been ranked 1st in Europe and 9th in the world in terms of pollution, according to the Global Alliance for Health and Pollution report (2019). Afforestation in Serbia is at 29% with the goal to reach 41% by 2050, however the pace is slow. Central government bodies involved in addressing climate change need to be supported, while a significant input for action needs to come specifically from the local level. Local self-governments do not have capacities to deal with these tasks and they are currently not actively engaged.
Objectives Contribute to efficient, inclusive and sustainable implementation of the Green Agenda in Serbia and accelerate Serbia’s EU accession process related to Cluster 4: Green Agenda and Sustainable Connectivity.
Target groups Direct beneficiaries are the Ministries of Environmental Protection; Mining and Energy; Agriculture, Forestry and Water as well as 20 local self-governments, and at least 30 public and private companies. Indirect beneficiaries are all local self-governments that can replicate the efforts and learn from peers. The ultimate beneficiaries are citizens of Serbia who will benefit from improved health conditions and overall quality of life through reduced pollution and increased resilience to climate change.
Medium-term outcomes

Outcome 1: Policy framework and base conditions improved for more efficient implementation of the Green Agenda in Serbia

Outcome 2: Green Agenda implementation initiated by piloting specific innovative projects to test concepts and schemes

Outcome 3: Successful pilot projects are developed into larger scale bankable projects and replicable business models that garner public support for the green transition


Expected results:   National and local strategies and policies amended/developed to enable implementation of all five pillars of the Green Agenda, including the National Environmental Strategy. At least 50 projects of private and public companies and LGs further accelerated; At least 10 concrete investment projects implemented in all 5 Green Agenda pillars; Technical documentation prepared for further scale up for at least 13 investment projects.

Results from previous phases:  

  • National policy framework not aligned with the EU Green Agenda for the Western Balkans
  • Lack of favorable investment environment to secure financing and successfully piloted replicable projects
  • Insufficient competencies of institutions for implementation of Green Agenda priority areas
  • No pilot project interventions supported to enable Green Agenda implementation in all priority areas
  • No direct beneficiaries with the improved socio-economic situation due to pilot Green Agenda related investments in all priority areas
  • No indirect beneficiaries positively affected by scale-up effect due to scale-up actions

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Project partners Contract partner
United Nations Organization (UNO)
  • United Nations Development Programme

Coordination with other projects and actors SECO envisages to contribute to the decarbonisation pillar of the Green Agenda with CHF 2 mio. The project will cooperate and establish synergies where possible with SECO’s Municipal Energy Efficiency and Management Project and Sustainable Urban Development project, and SDC´s strategic partnership with the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM), as well as the UN Joint Programme under planning and the environmental pillar of the SDG for All project.
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    4’415’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    2’850’000 Total project since first phase Swiss budget CHF   0
Project phases Phase 1 01.01.2022 - 30.06.2026   (Current phase)