Swiss-Indian forum e-governance

Thursday, 02.11.2017 – Thursday, 02.11.2017


Swiss-Indian forum e-governance
Swiss-Indian forum e-governance | © Embassy of Switzerland

Filing your tax return online? Using your eID card to get a mobile number? Retweeting your favorite politician? We all are witnessing the transformation of government and citizen interaction today and the use of public digital services is spreading fast. However, challenges remain: How well protected are our data, when using digital services? How are governments reaching out to people without digital access, the differently abled, the marginalized?

These are questions we are discussing with experts at the Swiss-Indian forum e-governance. Come and discuss with us and register at

Swiss-Indian forum, program (PDF, 13 Pages, 1.5 MB, English)

Organized by the Embassy of Switzerland, swissnex India and the Indian Institute of Public Administration in the framework of “70 Years of Swiss-Indian Friendship”.

Location: The Theatre, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi