Attentate in Ägypten - Stellungnahme des EDA (dt.)

Press releases, 09.04.2017

Das EDA äussert seine tiefe Betroffenheit über die Todesopfer und Verletzten bei zwei Anschlägen auf koptische Gemeinden in Ägypten und verurteilt die Attentate aufs Schärfste.

Many people in Coptic communities were killed or injured in the two blasts which took place in the northern Egyptian city of Tanta and in Alexandria. The FDFA strongly condemns these bloody attacks which caused great suffering to worshippers during Palm Sunday celebrations.

The FDFA expresses its deepest sympathy to the relatives of the victims and those injured.

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Information FDFA
Bundeshaus West
CH-3003 Bern
Tel.: +41 58 462 31 53
Fax: +41 58 464 90 47


Federal Department of Foreign Affairs