To find out, if you need a visa depending on your nationality – please check here: Alphabetical list of countries - provided by the State Secretariat for Migration SEM
All other passport holders (for a stay more than 90 days)
The requirements for a National Visa D can be found under the title Documentation to submit with a national visa application; please note that all documents have to be in English or a Swiss language.
The long stay visa application cannot be lodged online. The form can be found under the title Visa application form and has to be downloaded, filled in, printed out and signed and submitted together with all other documents.
All forms are in two languages - English and one of the Swiss languages: please choose the Swiss language of the Canton you intend to take up residency; please do not send your original passport, as it is not needed at this stage and please note that the process can take up to three months until a decision is reached and that you are not allowed to travel to Switzerland in the meantime.
Please also note that the Embassy is not in a position to answer questions related to a long stay visa application - if questions arise, please contact directly the competent Office of Migration of the Canton you intend to take up residency.
The future employer in Switzerland has to submit the application for the visa or assurance to take up work directly with the Office of Migration of the Canton of the work place; the Embassy is not involved in this process.