The principal advisor to the Minister of Local Government Administration Mr. Darko Radovanović and the Ambassador of Switzerland in Kosovo Ms. Krystyna Marty Lang were present in the Awards Ceremony organised by the Kosovo Government and the Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo to laurel the winning municipalities.
“We are promoting programs that encourage competition among the municipalities with the aim of providing better and qualitative services to citizens “, Mr Radovanović said in his address. He invited municipalities to see the Performance Management System as an opportunity for improved service delivery, leading to increased citizen satisfaction as a main aim of local governance.
Fifteen partner municipalities* of the DEMOS project were awarded grants based on their performance in improving service delivery in public spaces, municipal traffic, and waste management, democratisation of local governance, financial administration and transparency. The grants totalling around 1 million Euros were allocated based on the DEMOS grant scheme referring to the data from the municipal performance management system of the Ministry of Local Government Administration.
Ambassador Marty Lang emphasized the value and the advantages of the performance management system. “The system that the Ministry of Local Government Administration uses to measure municipal performance is unique in the Balkans. Most experts agree that it is an important tool to improve municipal service delivery”, Ms Marty Lang said.
The novelty of this year’s awards ceremony were the newly selected best performers in municipalities, such as civil servants, assembly members, waste collection and maintenance employees and village leaders. A short video announcing the campaign promoting them in respective municipalities was played during the Ceremony.
*Gjakovë/Djakovica, Gračanica/Graçanicë, Hani i Elezit/Elez Han, Junik, Kamenicë/Kamenica, Klokot-Vrbovac/Kllokot-Vërbovc, Lipjan/Lipljan, Novo Brdo/Novobërdë, Pejë/Peć, Prishtinë/Priština, Rahovec/Orahovac, Ranilug/Ranillug, Shtime/Stimlje, Kaçanik/Kačanik and Viti/Vitina.
For more information, please visit the website of the DEMOS project.