Federal Council approves report on international financial and tax matters 2016 (last modification, the 29.01.2016)

Bern, Press releases, 29.01.2016

Switzerland should continue to have the best framework for a secure and competitive financial centre which should contribute significantly to prosperity in Switzerland in the future too. The report on international financial and tax matters, which was approved by the Federal Council in its meeting on 27 January, provides information on activities in the areas of financial market regulation, engagement in international financial bodies and international tax policy in 2015, and gives an outlook on upcoming challenges.

The report drawn up by the Federal Department of Finance (FDF) shows that Switzerland still has to overcome numerous challenges regarding international financial and tax matters. It is geared towards the political world, the media and interested members of the public.

A hard copy of the report can be ordered free of charge starting mid February 2016 from the FOBL, Federal Publication Sales, 3003 Bern or verkauf.zivil@bbl.admin.ch. Alternatively, the report is available for download at www.sif.admin.ch.

Report(pdf, 2267kb)

Address for enquiries:

Beat Werder, Communications, State Secretariat for International Financial Matters SIF
Tel. +41 58 469 79 47, beat.werder@sif.admin.ch


The Federal Council
Federal Department of Finance