Recruting local staff

The International Geneva Welcome Centre (CAGI) has created a recruitment platform (job exchange), available on Internet, which is, in particular, intended for Permanent Missions that are looking for a local staff member. This platform, in French and English, enables Permanent Missions to publish their job offers. It is a free service that is proposed by the CAGI in collaboration with the Swiss Mission.

Permanent Missions wishing to publish a job offer are invited to create an "employer" account on the CAGI website. It is recommended that they use an official generic e-mail address (see the user guide). Permanent Missions may contact the CAGI for any further information ( / 022 546 14 10).

The vacancies published by the Permanent Missions can be consulted online by anyone who is looking for a job and who visits CAGI’s website. Interested persons then apply directly to the Permanent Mission concerned.

Only the persons who meet the criteria outlined in section 4.2 of the Guidelines (PDF, 15 Pages, 597.9 kB) on the issuance of legitimation cards of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs may be recruited locally in Switzerland. It is the responsibility of the Permanent Missions to verify whether an applicant fulfils the conditions and, where necessary, the Swiss Mission is at their disposal to assist them in carrying out such a verification. Holders of a Swiss residence permit (permit B or C) must necessarily be announced to the Swiss Mission (see point 5 of the Guidelines), a legitimation card type ‘E’ must be requested for other foreign nationals, including cross-border workers (see point 5.1 of the Guidelines), and a legitimation card type ‘R’ must be requested for members of the local staff of Swiss nationalityThe Swiss Mission would like to recall that local employees of the Permanent Missions are subject to the minimum wage applicable in the canton of Geneva (see the information note).

Specialist Contact

Permanent Mission of Switzerland to UNOG
Legal and Protocol Section
Rue de Varembé 9-11
P.O. Box 194
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. +41 (0)58 482 24 24