Number of annual pay checks

The employer is required to make a minimum of 12 wage payments annually, and to take into account the employee’s right to at least four weeks of paid vacation on reaching the age of 20, and five weeks of paid vacation before the age of 20. The employer must pay the employee the agreed rate. The number of monthly payments, which in no case may be less than 12, must be determined by the employer on the basis of the annual wage.

The employer is also free to make a special payment in addition to the normal wage (gratification) on certain occasions such as at Christmas or the end of the financial year. If such a payment is part of an agreement, the employee is then entitled to expect it as his due.

Taxation at the source

Usually, the employees having a residence permit (B permit) and the Swiss nationals living in France are taxed at the source. A permanent mission is not an employer that must mandatory withhold the tax at source. A permanent mission can therefore on a voluntary basis decide to withhold the tax at source. Otherwise, the employee must mandatory contact the Tax Administration to declare his/her incomes and to pay the tax. The Website of the Geneva Tax Administration contains useful information on the taxation at the source (only the French version is available).

Disputes at work

In the event of a dispute at work, the parties may request intervention from the Office of the Amiable Compositeur, created in 1995 by the Council of State of the Republic and canton of Geneva. This is an independent body, whose services are free of charge and whose purpose is to resolve conflicts in the workplace which may involve persons who enjoy privileges and immunities. With the agreement of the parties concerned, the Office of the Amiable Compositeur will attempt to reach a settlement acceptable to both sides so that the dispute is not referred to a Swiss court.

The Swiss Mission encourages employers and employees to make use of the services of the "Amiables Compositeurs" to resolve such disputes or for advice on matters in the area of working relations.

Office of the Amiable Compositeur (secretariat):
La Pastorale
Route de Ferney 106
CH - 1202 Geneva
Tel. +41 (0)22 327 90 31
Fax +41 (0)22 327 90 32

An employee can defend his rights in front of the Labour Tribunal of Geneva (Tribunal des prud'hommes):
Boulevard Helvétique 27
P.O. Box 3688
CH - 1211 Geneva 3
Tel. +41 (0)22 546 89 00

Specialist Contact

Permanent Mission of Switzerland to UNOG
Legal and Protocol Section
Rue de Varembé 9-11
P.O. Box 194
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. +41 (0)58 482 24 24