Office of the Amiable Compositeur

In 1995, at the request of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs within the framework of the host state policy defined by the Swiss Federal Council, the State Council (government) of the Canton of Geneva appointed a mediator, known as the "Bureau de l'Amiable Compositeur" (BAC). 

The mandate entrusted to the BAC by the Geneva authorities aims at settling civil labour disputes by amicable arrangement outside the Swiss courts. It proceeds by way of mediation. It is competent to examine disputes involving locally-recruited employees of foreign representations (embassies, consular posts and permanent missions). It also intervenes in disputes between private household employees and their employers, members of foreign representations and international organisations, whose working relationships are governed by the Federal Private Household Employees Ordinance (PHEO).

The BAC intervenes exclusively at the request of any party to a labour dispute. Its work is confidential and free of charge. Employees and employers do not lose their right to seize the cantonal labour court (Tribunal des prud'hommes), to which they can refer if an amicable settlement could not be found through the BAC.

The BAC is also available to employees and employers to provide advice, as a preventive measure, and/or to answer their questions regarding the application of labour law.

The BAC is chaired by Mr François Lefort, former President of Grand Council of the Republic and Canton of Geneva. He is seconded by Ms Nathalie Hardyn, former department director at the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Geneva. The members of the BAC are supported by a secretariat consisting of a jurist and an administrative assistant.


Secretariat of the Office of the Amiable Compositeur:
International Geneva Welcome Centre (CAGI)
La Pastorale
Route de Ferney 106
CH-1202 Geneva
Tel.: +41 (0)22 327 90 31
Fax: +41 (0)22 327 90 32

Specialist Contact

Permanent Mission of Switzerland to UNOG
Legal and Protocol Section
Rue de Varembé 9-11
P.O. Box 194
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. +41 (0)58 482 24 24